
时间:2017-12-15 15:31:36

标签: assembly


[BITS 16]                               ;16 bit code
[ORG 0x7C00]                            ;Origin location

SECTION .DATA                           ;Data section
    output: db 'Hello World', 10, 0     ;Output string (10 = \n, 0 = \0)

;Entry point
    mov ax, 0x0000                      ;Initialize the ds register
    mov ds, ax                          ;ds isn't a general purpose register => value has to be copied

    mov si, output                      ;Load the string into the si register
    call printString                    ;Call the printString function

    jmp $                               ;Endless loop

;Prints output
    mov ah, 0x0E                        ;Function 0x0E = Display character
    mov bh, 0x00                        ;Set the page number to zero
    mov bl, 0x1F                        ;Set the text attribute (0x1F = Blue bg, White fg)
    jmp printChar                       ;Jmp to printChar (just for code eroticism)

;Prints every char from output until 0
printChar:                              ;Jmp point to loop through the string
    lodsb                               ;Load the byte at si into al
    or al, al                           ;Sets the zero flag if al = 0
    jz return                           ;Return if the end of the string is reached

    int 0x10                            ;Call the bios video service
    jmp printChar                       ;Continue to print the string

;Returns to main
return:                                 ;Jmp point to return
    ret                                 ;Return to main

times 510-($-$$) db 0                   ;Fill the rest of the floppy with zeros
dw 0xAA55                               ;Boot loader signature

打印“Hello World”并跳转到下一行,但它总是灰色为黑色。不应mov bl, 0x1F int 0x10将其着色吗?



    mov ah, 0x06    ;Function 0x06 = Scroll up function
    xor cx, cx      ;From upper left corner
    mov dx, 0x184F  ;To lower right corner
    mov bh, 0x1F    ;Set colors (white on blue)
    int 10H         ;Call the bios video interrupt
    ret             ;Return

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

打印字符时,0x0E BIOS例程的

int 10h功能仅应用BL 中定义的前景色,仅适用于图形模式

Graphics Mode

Int 10h - 0x0E