
时间:2017-12-17 19:34:59

标签: genetic-algorithm combinatorics


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  • 原始方式向上或翻转 - 1位
  • 旋转0(即无),90,180或270度--2位
  • 在位置(x,y),其中x和y从0到7 - 每个坐标为3位






private static List<Chromosome> Breed(List<Chromosome> population, int crossoverGene, 
                  double mutationProbability, double mutationRate) {
  List<Chromosome> nextGeneration = new List<Chromosome>();
  // Cross breed half of the population number
  for (int nChromosome = 0; nChromosome < population.Count / 2; nChromosome++) {
    Chromosome daddy = Roulette(population);
    Chromosome mummy = Roulette(population);
    string babyGenes = daddy.Genes.Substring(0, crossoverGene)
                     + mummy.Genes.Substring(crossoverGene);
    Chromosome baby = new Chromosome(babyGenes);
    baby.Fitness = Fitness(baby);
  // Mutate some chromosomes
  int numberToMutate = (int)(P() * 100 * mutationProbability);
  List<Chromosome> mutatedChromosomes = new List<Chromosome>();
  for (int i = 0; i < numberToMutate; i++) {
    Chromosome c = Roulette(population);
    string mutatedGenes = MutateGenes(c.Genes, mutationRate);
    Chromosome mutatedChromosome = new Chromosome(mutatedGenes);
    mutatedChromosome.Fitness = Fitness(mutatedChromosome);
  // Get the next generation from the fittest chromosomes
  nextGeneration = nextGeneration
    .OrderBy(p => p.Fitness)
  return nextGeneration;



private static Chromosome Roulette(List<Chromosome> population) {
  double totalFitness = population.Sum(c => 1 / c.Fitness);
  double targetProbability = totalFitness * P();
  double cumProbability = 0.0;
  List<Chromosome> orderedPopulation = population.OrderBy(c => c.Fitness).ToList();
  for (int i = 0; i < orderedPopulation.Count; i++) {
    Chromosome c = orderedPopulation[i];
    cumProbability += 1 / c.Fitness;
    if (cumProbability > targetProbability) {
      return c;
  return orderedPopulation.Last();



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

  1. 如果您使用像Apache GA Framework这样的遗传算法框架,您可以将染色体实现为形状列表,您可以使用排列交叉和变异。

  2. 您将有空格,您将尝试最小化(将它们减少到0)。你不会有空白,只计算它们并将它们作为惩罚成分包含在适应度函数中。

  3. 一般来说,GA在组合问题上并不是那么强大。我做了很多实验,比如用GA解决Rubik's Cube或用GA解决Puzzle 15。另一个实验是GA的2D最优切割问题。如果您有兴趣,我可以为您提供研究论文和源代码(GitHub)。 GA很好地为您提供次优解决方案,但它们不能很好地为您提供最佳解决方案,当它是组合问题时更难以解决。

  4. 人口规模是一个悬而未决的问题。你应该对不同的人群进行收敛性调查。更大的人口并不意味着更好更快的解决方案。对于GA解决的大多数问题来说,即使是100也是太多了。

  5. 如果使用绝对坐标,则需要处理x和y,这太复杂了。想象一下,你支持形状列表。包装程序可以按形状塑造,并将每个形状尽可能靠近已处理的形状。它会加速你的融合。

     * Pack function which uses bounding rectangle of the polygons in the sheet
     * with specified dimensions.
     * @param width
     *            Sheet width.
     * @param height
     *            Sheet height.
    public void pack1(int width, int height) {
        int level[] = new int[width];
        for (int i = 0; i < level.length; i++) {
            level[i] = 0;
         * Insure pieces width according sheet width.
        for (Piece piece: population.get(worstIndex)) {
            if (piece.getWidth() > width) {
         * Pack pieces.
        int x = 0;
        int y = 0;
        for (Piece piece: population.get(worstIndex)) {
            if (x + (int) piece.getWidth() >= width) {
                x = 0;
             * Find y offset for current piece.
            y = 0;
            for (int dx = x; dx < (x + piece.getWidth()); dx++) {
                if (dx < width && y < level[dx]) {
                    y = level[dx];
            // TODO Check the delta after subtraction.
             * Set current piece coordinates.
            piece.moveX(x - piece.getMinX());
            piece.moveY(y - piece.getMinY());
             * Move lines for next placement.
            for (int dx = x; dx < (x + piece.getWidth()); dx++) {
                if (dx < width) {
                    level[dx] = (int)(y + piece.getHeight());
            // TODO Some strange behavior with the rotation.
            x += (int) piece.getWidth() + 1;
     * Pack function which uses exact boundaries of the polygons in the sheet
     * with specified dimensions.
     * @param width
     *            Sheet width.
     * @param height
     *            Sheet height.
    public void pack2(int width, int height) {
         * Pieces already placed on the sheet.
        List < Piece > front = new ArrayList < Piece > ();
         * Virtual Y boundary.
        double level = 0;
         * Place all pieces on the sheet
        for (Piece current: population.get(worstIndex)) {
            double bestLeft = 0;
            double bestTop = level;
            current.moveY(-current.getMinY() + level);
             * Move across sheet width.
            while (current.getMaxX() < width) {
                 * Touch sheet bounds of touch other piece.
                while (current.getMinY() > 0 && Util.overlap(current, front) == false) {
                // TODO Plus one may be is wrong if the piece should be part of
                // the area.
                 * Keep the best found position.
                if (current.getMinY() < bestTop) {
                    bestTop = current.getMinY();
                    bestLeft = current.getMinX();
                 * Try next position on right.
             * Put the piece in the best available coordinates.
            current.moveX(-current.getMinX() + bestLeft);
            current.moveY(-current.getMinY() + bestTop);
             * Shift sheet level if the current piece is out of previous bounds.
            if (current.getMaxY() > level) {
                level = current.getMaxY() + 1;
             * Add current piece in the ordered set and the front set.
     * Pack function which uses exact boundaries of the polygons in the sheet
     * with specified dimensions.
     * @param width
     *            Sheet width.
     * @param height
     *            Sheet height.
    public void pack3(int width, int height) {
        Polygon stack = new Polygon(
            .createLinearRing(new Coordinate[] {
                new Coordinate(0, -2, 0), new Coordinate(width - 1, -2, 0),
                    new Coordinate(width - 1, 0, 0), new Coordinate(0, 0, 0), new Coordinate(0, -2, 0)
            null, GEOMETRY_FACTORY);
         * Virtual Y boundary.
        double level = stack.getEnvelopeInternal().getMaxX();
         * Place all pieces on the sheet
        for (Piece current: population.get(worstIndex)) {
            double bestLeft = 0;
            double bestTop = level;
            current.moveY(-current.getMinY() + level);
             * Move across sheet width.
            while (current.getMaxX() < width) {
                 * Touch sheet bounds of touch other piece.
                while (current.getMinY() > 0 && Util.overlap(current, stack) == false) {
                // TODO Plus one may be is wrong if the piece should be part of
                // the area.
                 * Keep the best found position.
                if (current.getMinY() < bestTop) {
                    bestTop = current.getMinY();
                    bestLeft = current.getMinX();
                 * Try next position on right.
             * Put the piece in the best available coordinates.
            current.moveX(-current.getMinX() + bestLeft);
            current.moveY(-current.getMinY() + bestTop);
             * Shift sheet level if the current piece is out of previous bounds.
            if (current.getMaxY() > level) {
                level = current.getMaxY() + 1;
             * Add current piece in the ordered set and the front set.
            stack = (Polygon) SnapOverlayOp.union(stack, current.getPolygon()).getBoundary().convexHull();

答案 1 :(得分:2)

Todor Balabanov的回答非常有趣。可能使用相对坐标和适当的打包功能是关键。



  1. 二进制编码对您没有任何好处。
  2. 选择的字母表不是允许自然表达问题的最小字母。
  3. 考虑到每件作品的全部坐标([0;7] x [0;7])过多(对于健康评估而言有些误导)。


  4. 更丰富的健身功能是一个很大的帮助。
    • 您可以使用多值健身分数,惩罚出现漏洞的配置。
    • 不应计算重叠部分所覆盖的正方形:非法配置不能具有超过合法的适应性。
  5. ALPS可以减少过早收敛的问题(参考实施here)。
  6. 我已经在GitHub wiki(这是一项正在进行的工作)中详细阐述了这些要点。

答案 2 :(得分:1)

你有一个非常有趣的问题需要解决。我非常喜欢它。首先,它是一个组合问题,使用经典遗传算法很难解决。我有一些评论,但它们是我的主观意见:1)二进制编码没有给你任何优势(只有编码和解码的开销),你可以使用C#对象; 2)忽略框架外的碎片是不明智的; 3)你将一直处于局部最优状态,这就是遗传算法的本质; 4)人口规模1K过多,使用较小的东西; 5)不要使用绝对x-y坐标,使用相对坐标和正确的包装功能。
