Creating JSF Tree Structure

时间:2017-12-18 08:01:44

标签: jsf jsf-2 tree

I know JSF doesn't have Tree component but am trying to create Tree hierarchy from system files. The root folder has files and subfolders, that in turn also has files and subfolders .... . This is what i have in my view now but it is not working when i click on the commandLink/plus-icon. :::

This site can’t be reached refused to connect.

Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall


At the moment only the files and folders at the top level (in the root folder) are shown when the page is displayed. When click on the "plus" icon infront of the folders, its children are not displayed. It means that "rendered="#{myBean.revealChildren}" in "node.xhtml" is not working.

In my "showMyChildren()" method i set "revealChildren" variable to "true" when the commandLink/plus-icon is clicked, yet the children never get revealed.

I know there are libraries like Primefaces and Icefaces that have Tree components but i want to build a customised Tree in JSF myself.

Can someone point me to the right direction.

I am also willing to create my own Tree component like the ones in Primefaces or Icefaces if someone can point me to the right direction


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