Bad performance when use RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView

时间:2017-12-18 08:36:38

标签: android performance android-recyclerview android-nestedscrollview

I'm developing a search contact feature, in that screen, there is a RecyclerView inside NestedScrolView (fillViewport = true). Screen design: (This design is accepted by customer, I can't change it)
enter image description here
After loading all contacts of current device into an ArrayList, the search results are filtered from this array.
There is several cases that make the app very laggy:
1. When user type an input that have no result, then user clear search, I have to show all results again. The NestedScrollView has to render UI for all items of RecyclerView (for example: 300 items).
2. When the quantity of results has many changes (for example, from 1 to 300 items). The NestedScrollView has to render UI for a lot of items of RecyclerView

I know this design breaks recycling technique of RecyclerView, but I can't change it.
What I tried:


In AndroidManifest:


The adapter:


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

您正在使用RecyclerView错误。而不是将您的RecyclerView放在NestedScrollView中,而是将您的" Header"和"搜索框"在RecyclerView内部作为不同的视图类型。

