
时间:2017-12-19 15:38:49

标签: ssl curl ansible


curl -X POST --data <json> --key <path to key> --cert <path to cert> --cacert <path to cacert> --header "Content-Type: application/json" <url>



  CURL_CA_BUNDLE: <path to cacert>
  url: <url>
  client_cert: <path to cert>
  client_key: <path to key>
  body: <json>
  method: POST
  body_format: json

因为man curl指定它将读取环境变量CURL_CA_BUNDLE。我也尝试过:

  url: <url>
  client_cert: <path to cert>
  client_key: <path to key>
  body: <json>
  method: POST
  body_format: json
  others: --cacert <path to cacert>



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

uri module不是cURL,它是完整的python实现。因此,cURL环境或选项无法发挥作用 others选项记录为“文件模块接受的所有参数也在此处工作”,因此它只表示您可以使用ownergroupmode等将属性设置为dest


client_certclient_key以修复issue #18141,他们没有考虑服务器TLS身份验证...


  • 将您的CA证书添加到系统证书中(在uri任务的目标主机上) - 仅对python&gt; = 2.7.9
  • 有效
  • 使用validate_certs: no选项禁用服务器证书验证(因此不使用CA证书)
  • 提出问题(可能是PR)以添加对cacert选项的支持

答案 1 :(得分:1)

在任务级别使用 SSL_CERT_FILE 环境变量。前任:

- name: test uri using a custom cacert file
    SSL_CERT_FILE: "{{ cacert_file_path }}"
    url: "{{ uri_url }}"

答案 2 :(得分:0)

首先,禁用 SSL 证书验证不是解决方案,而是一种变通方法。 其次,// NOTE: "full_data" is the data source (i.e res.data, in your case). var config = { type: 'line', data: { labels: Object.keys(full_data.timeline.cases), showTooltips: true, datasets: [{ label: "Covid-19 Cases", //CASES DATASET fill: false, lineTension: 0.1, backgroundColor: "rgba(75,192,192,0.4)", borderColor: "#eb1515", borderCapStyle: "butt", borderDash: [], borderDashOffset: 0.0, borderJoinStyle: "miter", pointBorderColor: "#eb1515", pointBackgroundColor: "#fff", pointBorderWidth: 1, pointHoverRadius: 5, pointHoverBackgroundColor: "#eb1515", pointHoverBorderColor: "#eb1515", pointHoverBorderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 1, pointHitRadius: 10, maintainAspectRatio: false, data: Object.values(full_data.timeline.cases) }, { label: "Covid-19 Deaths", //DEATHS DATASET fill: false, lineTension: 0.1, backgroundColor: "rgba(75,192,192,0.4)", borderColor: "#1a1c1a", borderCapStyle: "butt", borderDash: [], borderDashOffset: 0.0, borderJoinStyle: "miter", pointBorderColor: "#1a1c1a", pointBackgroundColor: "#fff", pointBorderWidth: 1, pointHoverRadius: 5, pointHoverBackgroundColor: "#1a1c1a", pointHoverBorderColor: "#1a1c1a", pointHoverBorderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 1, pointHitRadius: 10, maintainAspectRatio: false, data: Object.values(full_data.timeline.deaths) }, { label: "Covid-19 Recoveries", //RECOVERIES DATASET fill: false, lineTension: 0.1, backgroundColor: "rgba(75,192,192,0.4)", borderColor: "#0ec90e", borderCapStyle: "butt", borderDash: [], borderDashOffset: 0.0, borderJoinStyle: "miter", pointBorderColor: "#0ec90e", pointBackgroundColor: "#fff", pointBorderWidth: 1, pointHoverRadius: 5, pointHoverBackgroundColor: "#0ec90e", pointHoverBorderColor: "#0ec90e", pointHoverBorderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 1, pointHitRadius: 10, maintainAspectRatio: false, data: Object.values(full_data.timeline.recovered) }] }, options: { responsive: true, title: { display: true, text: 'Chart.js Line Chart' }, tooltips: { mode: 'index', intersect: false, }, hover: { mode: 'nearest', intersect: true }, scales: { xAxes: [{ display: true, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: 'Dates' } }], yAxes: [{ display: true, scaleLabel: { display: true, }, }] } } }; 的路径因您的 Linux 发行版而异。这是使 Ansible 模块 (Python) 在 Debian 发行版中识别 SSL 证书的示例,这在我的情况下有效。

(我知道问题与 SSL_CERT_FILE 模块有关,但该解决方案应该适用于 Ansible 模块)

更新证书包后,例如通过 uri


答案 3 :(得分:0)

拉取请求 https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/71979// create single, shared Subject let webRequestTriggers = new Subject(); // subscribe to the Subject once at the beginning function initialise() { webRequestTriggers.pipe( switchMap(currentState => this.vehiclesService.getVehiclesByPage(currentState)) ) .subscribe(success => { this.cache[backendPage] = true; this.setPageResult({ ...success, page: backendPage, pageSize: pageInfo.pageSize * 10 }); }); } // probably in some kind of event handler or function that you have defined somewhere, which is called whenever a page of results is requested function fetchPagedResults(currentState) { webRequestTriggers.next(currentState); } 模块添加了一个 ca_path 参数,该参数允许指定包含用于验证的 CA 证书的文件(请参阅{{3} }).
