
时间:2017-12-29 10:22:02

标签: linux assembly base64 nasm x86-64

[解码后输出的链接。 ] [1]代码开始很好然后变为bezerk然后恢复正常。它旨在将base64 nasm转换为其原始形式。我将收到的第一个字节(在rax寄存器中的ASCII中)转换为Base64以获得二进制等效值。为两位腾出空间,然后在rbx中取下一个字节并执行相同的操作。然后获取rbx中的前两位并添加到第一个字节以获取ASCII等效值并保存结果。由于此问题,我无法使用=处理文件末尾。 谢谢你的帮助。

 ;  Build using these commands:
 ;    nasm -f elf64 -g -F dwarf decode.asm
 ;    ld -o decode decode.o

%macro writeIt 0
          add al,bl                 ; add bl to al because upper rbx contains the rest
          mov byte[B64LIN+rcx-1],al ; move the equivalent into B64LIN
        ; ************************************************************************
        ;;; Note: This process does automatic conversion into ASCII ##############
        ; ************************************************************************

%macro clear 1
   xor %1,%1

SECTION .bss        ; Section containing uninitialized data

 BUFFLEN equ 4
 Buff: resb  BUFFLEN

SECTION .data           ; Section containing initialised data

  B64LIN:       db "000",0  ; used for output
  B64LEN:       EQU $-B64LIN ; only used to determine the size of the string treated

SECTION .text   ; Section containing code

           ;;; We convert ASCII to Base 64
   .UpperCase:              ; remove 65 to convert match the B64Table
       sub rax,65

   .LowerCase:           ; remove 71 to convert match the B64Table
        sub rax,71

    .Numbers:                ; add 4 for numbers
        add rax,4

    .Addition:               ; remove 62 to convert match the B64Table
        sub rax,62

    .BackSlash:          ; remove 63 to convert match the B64Table
        sub rax,63

        ; Encode:       Enconde binary datas into Base 64
        ; UPDATED:      15/12/2017
        ; IN:           File
        ; MODIFIES:     ASCII to Base 64

        ;;; Behaves like a switch statement
        ;;; Look for the equivalent Base64
            cmp rax,61h
            jge Base64.LowerCase

            cmp rax,41h
            jge Base64.UpperCase

            cmp rax,3Dh
            je .EOF1

            cmp rax,30h
            jge Base64.Numbers

            cmp rax, 2Bh
            je Base64.Addition

            cmp rax,2Fh
            je Base64.BackSlash

            cmp rax,rbx       ; comparing rbx to rax for zeros
            je Exit                 ; we're done if that happens

        ; *****************************************************************************
        ;;; Note: This process doesn't send any values back because it was added to the
        ;;;       file in the encoding process. ##############
        ; *****************************************************************************
            clear rax

            ;;; Register clean up
            ;;; Treating 1st Byte
          mov al,byte[Buff+rcx] ; takes in the first element in the input
          call Convert                  ; convert to get their Base64 value

        ;;; Treating 2nd Byte
          inc rcx                       ; increment to get the next element in the Buff
          mov bl,byte[Buff+rcx] ; moves second element into rbx
          xchg al,bl                ; xchg rax with rbx because Convert deals with rax
          call Convert          ; call Convert to get the base64 equiv.
          xchg bl,al                ; get the values back and exchange them
          rol rax,2                 ; make room for the first 2 bits in rbx
          ror rbx,4                 ; keep only the top four since first 2 bits are 00
          clear bl                  ; clear bl so we can role back
          rol rbx,8                 ; role 8 so we already make room when we moves rax

            ;;; Treating 3rd Byte
          inc rcx                     ; increment to get the next element
          mov al,byte[Buff+rcx] ; moves it directly into al since previous element is gone
          call Convert          ; Converts to Base64
          ror rax,2               ; roll right to get the top 4 bits only
          xchg rax,rbx          ; xchg so even the top bits are kept in the process

            ;;; Treating 4th Byte
          clear bl                ; clear lower 4 bits
              clear rax         ; clears everything since we have no use for it
          inc rcx                     ; increments to get next
          mov al,byte[Buff+rcx] ; moves next Byte into al
          call Convert          ; converts to Base64 equiv.
          rol rbx,8               ; make room for last 2 bits coming

            ;;; code keeps on running onto PrintLine to finish off

        ; IN:           Nothing
        ; RETURNS:      The Original text
        ; MODIFIES:     Nothing
        ; CALLS:        Kernel sys_write

            push rax           ; Save all used registers
            push rbx           ; Save all used registers
            push rcx           ; Save all used registers
            push rdx           ; Save all used registers
            mov rax,4        ; Specify sys_write call
            mov rbx,1          ; Specify File Descriptor 1: Standard output
            mov rcx,B64LIN ; Pass offset of line string
            mov rdx,B64LEN ; Pass size of the line string
            int 80h          ; Make kernel call to display line string
            pop rdx          ; Restore all caller's registers
            pop rcx          ; dito
            pop rbx          ; dito
            pop rax          ; dito
            ret                ; Return to caller


            push rax        ; Save caller's EAX
            push rbx        ; Save caller's EBX
            push rdx        ; Save caller's EDX

            mov rax,3       ; Specify sys_read call
            mov rbx,0           ; Specify File Descriptor 0: Standard Input
            mov rcx,Buff    ; Pass offset of the buffer to read to
            mov rdx,BUFFLEN ; Pass number of bytes to read at one pass
            int 80h         ; Call sys_read to fill the buffer
            mov rbp, rax    ; Save # of bytes read from file for later
            xor rcx,rcx   ; Clear buffer pointer ECX to 0
            pop rdx         ; Restore caller's EDX
            pop rbx         ; Restore caller's EBX
            pop rax         ; Restore caller's EAX
            ret               ; And return to caller

        GLOBAL _start
        ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ; We will stay into this loop until the buffer is empty
            call LoadBuff    ; Read first buffer of data from stdin
            cmp rbp,0          ; If ebp=0, sys_read reached EOF on stdin
            jbe Exit           ; If ebp=0, we jumps to Exit
            call Decode    ; If there's still some data into the buffer, we call Encode to convert them
            call PrintLine ; Save the enconded data into stdout
            clear rbp        ; Clear ebp for the next LoadBuff
            jmp Read           ; Read one more time the data from stdi

        ; The programm did his job, we can exit
            xor rax, rax     ; Clear rax
            xor rbx, rbx     ; Clear rbx
            mov rax,1          ; Code for Exit Syscall
            mov rbx,0            ; Return a code of zero
            int 0x80             ; Make kernel call`

      [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/bHJnI.jpg

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