
时间:2018-01-03 03:16:58

标签: batch-file



“(代码)XXX NAME(来源)XXX”

// XXX代表可能存在的随机文字。



例如: 我在名为“Animals”的文件夹中有2个文件,第一个文件名为“(X21)Fox(Carnivore)”,第二个文件名为“(X23432)Rabbit(Herbivore)”。



编辑: 我在网上找到了代码并尝试根据我的需要进行调整,但老实说,我并不了解大部分内容。

@echo off
:: setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set targetdir=DIRECTORY HERE
set setnum=0

for /D "delims=()" %%a in ('dir /b /o-n %targetdir%\*.tib') do set setnum=%%a
REM for /f "tokens=2 delims=()" %%a in ('dir /b %targetdir%\*.tib') do (
set setnum=%%i >> list.txt
goto loopexit
echo %setnum%

REM for /D %%i in (*) do echo %%i >> list.txt

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


例如:我在名为“Animals”的文件夹中有2个文件夹,   第一个文件夹名为“(X21)Fox(Carnivore)”和第二个   一个名为“(X23432)兔子(草食动物)”。


这个想法是批量获得“食肉动物”和“草食动物”,看看是否   在“Animals”文件夹中有一个名为“Carnivore”和/或的文件夹   “草食动物”,如果它们不存在则创造它们,最后移动它   原始文件到相应的文件夹。

只是文件夹!当上面的文件被替换时,这似乎没问题 的文件夹即可。大胆的文字是替代品。我将按照文件夹逻辑  这个新代码的修订版。 Previous revision source

此脚本在当前目录中有效,因此它应该在目录中工作 动物那是在Animals文件夹中。

命令move虽然在同一个程序上进行了廉价操作,但它不会处理递归 文件系统。如果您有子文件夹,则可能需要使用xcopyrobocopy 在要复制或移动的文件夹中。

创建此代码以使用moverobocopy。第一次到达goto决定 哪个可以使用。如果两个goto都被删除或评论,它将进展到 使用1st,move,然后转到文件结尾。


@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: Remove rem at start of next line to use 'move' instead of 'robocopy'.
rem goto :opt_move
goto :opt_robocopy


:: Handles copy of dirs to subdirs with last group name.
:: Works in the current directory.

for /d %%A in ("*") do (
    call :lastgroup "%%~A" && (
        if not exist "!lastgroup!" md "!lastgroup!"
        move /y "%%~A\*" "!lastgroup!" && rd "%%~A"

goto :eof


:: Works with files and subdirectories.

for /d %%A in ("*") do (
    call :lastgroup "%%~A" && (
        if not exist "!lastgroup!" md "!lastgroup!"
        robocopy /move /e "%%~A" "!lastgroup!"

goto :eof

:: Get last group between '(' and ')'.
:: :lastgroup is called with argument of filename or dirname.
:: Requires last character to be ')'.

set "lastgroup="
    :: 1st arg set to variable str.
    set "str=%~1"
    :: Check variable str is not empty.
    if not defined str endlocal & exit /b 1
    :: Check for opening brace and closing brace.
    if "%str%"=="%str:(=%" endlocal & exit /b 1
    if "%str%"=="%str:)=%" endlocal & exit /b 1
    :: Get remainder after 1st opening brace.
    for /f "tokens=1,* delims=^(" %%A in ("%str%") do set "str=%%~B"
    :: Check for opening brace, loop if found.
    if not "%str%"=="%str:(=%" goto :loop
    :: Check last character is ')'.
    if not "%str:~-1%"==")" endlocal & exit /b 1
    :: Trim closing brace.
    set str=%str:~0,-1%
endlocal & set "lastgroup=%str%"


@echo off

:: Test environment in root of animals.

2>nul rd /s/q Carnivore
2>nul rd /s/q Herbivore
2>nul rd /s/q Fish
2>nul rd /s/q X20 X21 X23432
2>nul md Keepme
> "Keepme\test1.txt" type nul

if exist "(X20) Fox (Carnivore)" goto :next
md "(X20) Fox (Carnivore)"
>  "(X20) Fox (Carnivore)\test1.txt" type nul
>  "(X20) Fox (Carnivore)\test2.txt" type nul

if exist "(X21) Fox (Carnivore)" goto :next
md "(X21) Fox (Carnivore)"
>  "(X21) Fox (Carnivore)\test3.txt" type nul
>  "(X21) Fox (Carnivore)\test4.txt" type nul

if exist "(X23432) Rabbit (Herbivore)" goto :next
md "(X23432) Rabbit (Herbivore)"
>  "(X23432) Rabbit (Herbivore)\test1.txt" type nul
>  "(X23432) Rabbit (Herbivore)\test2.txt" type nul

if exist "(X20) (X21) Cod (Fish)" goto :next
md "(X20) (X21) Cod (Fish)"
>  "(X20) (X21) Cod (Fish)\test1.txt" type nul
>  "(X20) (X21) Cod (Fish)\test2.txt" type nul

if exist "(X21) (X22) Cod (Fish)" goto :next
md "(X21) (X22) Cod (Fish)"
>  "(X21) (X22) Cod (Fish)\test1.txt" type nul
>  "(X21) (X22) Cod (Fish)\test2.txt" type nul
md "(X21) (X22) Cod (Fish)\subfolder"
>  "(X21) (X22) Cod (Fish)\subfolder\test1.txt" type nul


|   main.cmd
|   unittest.cmd
+---(X20) (X21) Cod (Fish)
|       test1.txt
|       test2.txt
+---(X20) Fox (Carnivore)
|       test1.txt
|       test2.txt
+---(X21) (X22) Cod (Fish)
|   |   test1.txt
|   |   test2.txt
|   |
|   \---subfolder
|           test1.txt
+---(X21) Fox (Carnivore)
|       test3.txt
|       test4.txt
+---(X23432) Rabbit (Herbivore)
|       test1.txt
|       test2.txt


|   main.cmd
|   unittest.cmd
|       test1.txt
|       test2.txt
|       test3.txt
|       test4.txt
|   |   test1.txt
|   |   test2.txt
|   |
|   \---subfolder
|           test1.txt
|       test1.txt
|       test2.txt


|   main.cmd
|   unittest.cmd
+---(X21) (X22) Cod (Fish)
|   \---subfolder
|           test1.txt
|       test1.txt
|       test2.txt
|       test3.txt
|       test4.txt
|       test1.txt
|       test2.txt
|       test1.txt
|       test2.txt

运行move会产生与robocopy类似的结果 不要移动名为子文件夹的文件夹。在每次测试之前运行unittest。
