删除" h起源...."来自暂存区域git的文件

时间:2018-01-04 19:04:16

标签: git


$ git st
On branch 112929_shedd
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

        modified:   RDI.Core/Business/Utilities/IntranetMaintData.cs
        new file:   "h origin \357\200\27295320_fix_text"
        modified:   privatedn/Employees/SkillsMatrix/Certifications.aspx
        modified:   privatedn/Employees/SkillsMatrix/Education.aspx
        modified:   privatedn/Employees/SkillsMatrix/Organizations.aspx
        modified:   privatedn/Employees/SkillsMatrix/ProjectHistory.aspx
        modified:   privatedn/Employees/SkillsMatrix/Publications.aspx
        modified:   privatedn/Employees/SkillsMatrix/References.aspx
        modified:   privatedn/Employees/SkillsMatrix/SkillsGroupDetails.aspx
        modified:   privatedn/Employees/SkillsMatrix/SkillsMatrixMaster.master
        modified:   privatedn/Employees/SkillsMatrix/TextFilter.aspx
        modified:   privatedn/MenuGroupDetails.aspx.cs

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   privatedn/RDI.Intranet.csproj

$ git rm --cached "h origin \357\200\27295320_fix_text"
fatal: pathspec 'h origin \357\200\27295320_fix_text' did not match any files

我想删除&#34; h origin \ 357 \ 200 \ 27295320_fix_text&#34;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

git rm h\ origin\ *_fix_text

git rm "h origin "*_fix_text

答案 1 :(得分:0)


git rm --cached "h origin \357\200\27295320_fix_text"

但是git status在带引号的双引号中打印此名称的原因是名称本身包含不可打印的字符。如果Git试图打印字符,它们就不一定能正常出来。 The three byte sequence 0357, 0200, 0272 (decimal 239, 128, 186) is the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode character U+F03A, which is in a reserved block.它可能会打印一个奇怪的块状角色(它在我的Mac上),或者什么也没有,或者谁知道什么。

不知何故,您必须将相同的字节序列输入git rm --cached。由于您似乎使用了解POSIX编码的sh / bash-ish shell,因此您可以尝试:

git rm --cached $'h origin \357\200\27295320_fix_test'

使用$'...'语法,它告诉shell以与Git生成它们相同的方式解释转义序列。 (您必须使用单引号,而不是双引号。)


$ echo $'h origin \357\200\27295320_fix_test' 
h origin 95320_fix_test
