Scala - 组成泛型类型

时间:2018-01-10 13:30:12

标签: scala generics hash functional-programming composition



trait Hash {
  type U
  type V
  def hash(u:U) : V

trait Product[hasher <: Hash] { 
   val key : hasher#U
   // hasher.hash(x : U) => V
   def hashKey : hasher#V

trait ProductReader[product <: Product] { // error: type 'Product' takes parameters - but I don't want to define them at this point yet...
   def getByKey(key : U) : Product
   def getByHashed(hash : V) : Product


object MyHash extends Hash[String,Long] {
  def hash(key : String) : Long = mySpecialHash(key)

// implements serialization (together with the hasher)
class MyProduct[MyHash[String,Long]](val key : String {
  def hashKey : Long = MyHash.hash(key)

class MyProductReader[MyProducts[MyHash[String,Long]] {
   def getByKey(key : String) : MyProduct[MyHash[String,Long]] = ....
   def getByHashed(hash : Long) : MyProduct[MyHash[String,Long]] = ...

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


trait Hash {
  type U
  type V
  def hash(u: U): V

trait Product {
  type Hasher <: Hash

  val key: Hasher#U
  def hashKey: Hasher#V

trait ProductReader[P <: Product] {
  def getByKey(key: P#Hasher#U): P
  def getByHashed(hash: P#Hasher#V): P

object MyHash extends Hash {
  override type U = String
  override type V = Long

  def hash(key: String): Long = ???

class MyProduct(val hasher: MyHash.type) extends Product {
  override type Hasher = hasher.type

  def hashKey: Long = MyHash.hash(key)
  override val key: String = "MyProduct"

class MyProductReader extends ProductReader[MyProduct] {
  override def getByKey(key: String): MyProduct = ???
  override def getByHashed(hash: Long): MyProduct = ???


答案 1 :(得分:0)


trait Hash {
  type U
  type V
  def hash(u:U) : V

trait Product[hasher <: Hash] { 
   val key : hasher#U
   // hasher.hash(x : U) => V
   def hashKey : hasher#V

trait ProductReader[hasher <: Hash, product <: Product[hasher]] { 
   def getByKey(key : hasher#U) : product
   def getByHashed(hash : hasher#V) : product


object MyHash extends Hash {
  type U = String
  type V = Long
  def hash(key : String) : Long = key.toLong

class MyProduct(val hasher: MyHash.type) extends Product[MyHash.type] {
  def hashKey: Long = hasher.hash(key)

  val key: String = "MyProduct"

class MyProductReader extends ProductReader[MyHash.type, MyProduct] {
   def getByKey(key : String) : MyProduct = ???
   def getByHashed(hash : Long) : MyProduct = ???