酶 - 如何访问子组件的成员变量?

时间:2018-01-11 00:33:24

标签: reactjs unit-testing enzyme

我正在使用酶来测试反应组分。我使用的以前版本的酶允许我使用节点或节点访问子节点及其成员变量。现在我使用的新版本的酶使我使用getElement函数来访问子组件。并且getElement不允许我直接访问节点或节点(不支持)。如何使用-- Imput: @justWeekEnding - the date for the end of week report -- Input: @customerid - the unique customer ID for whom the report is generated -- Expected output: Sales report, showing profit margin for the selected customer per shop per day-of-week -- -- dbo.charting_salesdata: View producing a sales report across all stores per date per customer -- dbo.stores: Table containing store info -- dbo.receipts: Table containing all receipts -- dbo.storecategories: Table containing all store categories DECLARE @justWeekEnding AS date; SET @justWeekEnding = CONVERT(date, @weekEnding, 101); SELECT Query.StoreName AS [Store Name], Query.POS as [POS Name], Query.saturday, Query.sunday, Query.monday, Query.tuesday, Query.wednesday, Query.thursday, Query.friday FROM (SELECT dbo.stores.NAME AS [StoreName], receipts.POS AS [POS], (SELECT COUNT(percentage) FROM dbo.charting_salesdata WITH (nolock) WHERE dbo.charting_salesdata.receiptid = dbo.receipts.receiptid AND dateofsale = Dateadd(d, -6, @justWeekEnding) GROUP BY receiptid, dateofsale) AS saturday, (SELECT COUNT(percentage) FROM dbo.charting_salesdata WITH (nolock) WHERE dbo.charting_salesdata.receiptid = dbo.receipts.receiptid AND dateofsale = Dateadd(d, -5, @justWeekEnding) GROUP BY receiptid, dateofsale) AS sunday, (SELECT COUNT(percentage) FROM dbo.charting_salesdata WITH (nolock) WHERE dbo.charting_salesdata.receiptid = dbo.receipts.receiptid AND dateofsale = Dateadd(d, -4, @justWeekEnding) GROUP BY receiptid, dateofsale) AS monday, (SELECT COUNT(percentage) FROM dbo.charting_salesdata WITH (nolock) WHERE dbo.charting_salesdata.receiptid = dbo.receipts.receiptid AND dateofsale = Dateadd(d, -3, @justWeekEnding) GROUP BY receiptid, dateofsale) AS tuesday, (SELECT COUNT(percentage) FROM dbo.charting_salesdata WITH (nolock) WHERE dbo.charting_salesdata.receiptid = dbo.receipts.receiptid AND dateofsale = Dateadd(d, -2, @justWeekEnding) GROUP BY receiptid, dateofsale) AS wednesday, (SELECT COUNT(percentage) FROM dbo.charting_salesdata WITH (nolock) WHERE dbo.charting_salesdata.receiptid = dbo.receipts.receiptid AND dateofsale = Dateadd(d, -1, @justWeekEnding) GROUP BY receiptid, dateofsale) AS thursday, (SELECT COUNT(percentage) FROM dbo.charting_salesdata WITH (nolock) WHERE dbo.charting_salesdata.receiptid = dbo.receipts.receiptid AND dateofsale = @justWeekEnding GROUP BY receiptid, dateofsale) AS friday, (SELECT COUNT(percentage) FROM dbo.charting_salesdata WITH (nolock) WHERE dbo.charting_salesdata.receiptid = dbo.receipts.receiptid AND dateofsale BETWEEN Dateadd(d, -6, @justWeekEnding) AND @justWeekEnding) AS TOTAL FROM receipts WITH (nolock) INNER JOIN dbo.stores WITH (nolock) ON dbo.receipts.storeid = dbo.stores.storeid INNER JOIN dbo.storecategories WITH (nolock) ON dbo.stores.storecategoryid = dbo.storecategories.storecategoryid WHERE 1=1 AND customerid = @customerid AND dbo.receipts.isdeleted = 0) AS Query WHERE Query.TOTAL > 0 ORDER BY Query.StoreName, Query.TargetName 设置子组件的成员变量?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


it('should pass entered password to password child textfield', () => {
    const inputPassword = 'gold please';
    const wrapper = enzyme.shallow((
        onEmailChanged={email => null}
        onPasswordChanged={password => null}
        onLoginAsGuest={() => null}
        onLogin={(email, password) => null}
        onResetPassword={() => null}
        onLoginAutofilled={() => null}
    // There is an input element with an ID of 'login-form_password-field'
    const passwordField = wrapper.find('#login-form_password-field');