Photoshop Scripting - 未正确调整大小

时间:2018-01-14 09:40:09

标签: javascript scripting photoshop photoshop-script

我已经在Javascript中为photoshop编写了一个脚本,它可以获取用户输入(桌面上的盒子数量),然后将其转换为像素大小。问题在于调整大小,图层不会更改为该数量,它会更改该数量。例如。 microsoftbox从800 * 800开始,然后应该更改为500 * 500但是将其加到等于1300 * 1300。

app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
//Get all input
var microsoftboxes = prompt("How many boxes for microsoft?");
var gamesboxesx = prompt("How many across boxes for games?");
var gamesboxesy = prompt("How many down boxes for games?");
var adobeboxes = prompt("How many boxes for adobe?");
var filesboxes = prompt("How many boxes for files?");
var toolsboxes = prompt("How many boxes for tools?");
var recycleboxes = 1;
//Add percentage on and convert to pixel num
var mb = microsoftboxes * 75;
mb = mb + (mb * 0.04);
var gbx = gamesboxesx * 75;
gbx = gbx + (gbx * 0.04);
var gby = gamesboxesy * 75;
gby = gby + (gby * 0.04);
var ab = adobeboxes * 75;
ab = ab + (ab * 0.04);
var fb = filesboxes * 75;
fb = fb + (fb * 0.04);
var tb = toolsboxes * 75;
tb = tb + (tb * 0.04);
var rb = recycleboxes * 75;
rb = rb + (rb * 0.04);
//vars for change size
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var m = doc.layers.getByName('microsoft');
var g = doc.layers.getByName('games');
var a = doc.layers.getByName('adobe');
var t = doc.layers.getByName('tools');
var f = doc.layers.getByName('files');
var r = doc.layers.getByName('recycle');
m.resize(mb, 73, AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT);
g.resize(gbx, gby, AnchorPosition.TOPCENTER);
a.resize(ab, 73, AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT);
f.resize(fb, 73, AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT);
t.resize(tb, 73, AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT);
r.resize(rb, 73, AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT);

Before After

--- --- UPDATE 我已经设法解决它尽管被设置为像素,但按百分比变化。例如。文件应该已设置为78,但它已设置为

250 (the current value) * 0.78(78 as a percentage) = 195 



var startru = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
var starttu = app.preferences.typeUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
app.preferences.typeUnits = TypeUnits.PIXELS;
//Get all input
var microsoftboxes = prompt("How many boxes for microsoft?");
var gamesboxesx = prompt("How many across boxes for games?");
var gamesboxesy = prompt("How many down boxes for games?");
var adobeboxes = prompt("How many boxes for adobe?");
var filesboxes = prompt("How many boxes for files?");
var toolsboxes = prompt("How many boxes for tools?");
var recycleboxes = 1;
//Add percentage on and convert to pixel num
var mb = microsoftboxes * 75;
mb = mb + (mb * 0.04);
var gbx = gamesboxesx * 75;
gbx = gbx + (gbx * 0.04);
var gby = gamesboxesy * 75;
gby = gby + (gby * 0.04);
var ab = adobeboxes * 75;
ab = ab + (ab * 0.04);
var fb = filesboxes * 75;
fb = fb + (fb * 0.04);
var tb = toolsboxes * 75;
tb = tb + (tb * 0.04);
var rb = recycleboxes * 75;
rb = rb + (rb * 0.04);
//vars for change size
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var m = doc.layers.getByName('microsoft');
var g = doc.layers.getByName('games');
var a = doc.layers.getByName('adobe');
var t = doc.layers.getByName('tools');
var f = doc.layers.getByName('files');
var r = doc.layers.getByName('recycle');
m.resize(mb, 85, AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT);
g.resize(gbx, gby, AnchorPosition.TOPCENTER);
a.resize(ab, 85, AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT);
f.resize(fb, 85, AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT);
t.resize(tb, 85, AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT);
r.resize(rb, 85, AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT);
app.preferences.rulerUnits = startru;
app.preferences.typeUnits = starttu;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. 将图层复制到新文档中
  2. 将其调整为所需的确切像素尺寸
  3. 将该层复制回原始文档


app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
var activeDoc = app.activeDocument;
//store the active document's resolution for when we create the temp doc
var res = activeDoc.resolution;

//capture the existing color mode for the temp doc
var newDocMode;
switch(activeDoc.mode) {
    case DocumentMode.RGB:
        newDocMode = NewDocumentMode.RGB;
    case DocumentMode.CMYK:
        newDocMode = NewDocumentMode.CMYK;

//my preference to store sizes as a JSON object
var msboxSizes = {
    sm: {
        width: 200,
        height: 200
    md: {
        width: 500,
        height: 500
    lg: {
        width: 800,
        height: 800

//target our layer
var msboxLayer = activeDoc.artLayers.getByName("microsoftbox");

//make it the active layer
activeDoc.activeLayer = msboxLayer;

//get the bounds of the layer so we can create a new doc the same size as the image on this layer
var msboxSize = activeDoc.activeLayer.bounds;

//use the bounds to determine the width and height of the layer
var msboxWidth = (msboxSize[2].value - msboxSize[0].value).toFixed(0);
var msboxHeight = (msboxSize[3].value - msboxSize[1].value).toFixed(0);

//convert those values back into pixels
msboxWidth = new UnitValue(msboxWidth, "px");
msboxHeight = new UnitValue(msboxHeight, "px");

//copy our layer to the clipboard

//create a new doc that is the same size, resolution and color mode as the layer we want to resize
var tempDoc = app.documents.add(msboxWidth, msboxHeight, res, "Temp Doc", newDocMode, DocumentFill.TRANSPARENT);

//set the temp doc as the active document
app.activeDocument = tempDoc;
//paste the layer into the temp doc

//store the different size obj keys in an array (could use array of objects and skip this bit)
var resizes = ["lg","md","sm"]
//loop through resizing to each size in the array, copy and paste them as layers into the original document
for (i = 0; i < resizes.length; i++) {
    var newWidth = msboxSizes[resizes[i]].width;
    var newHeight = msboxSizes[resizes[i]].height;

    app.activeDocument = tempDoc;
    tempDoc.resizeImage(newWidth, newHeight, res, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC);

    app.activeDocument = activeDoc;

//close the temp doc and dont save it