React Native Expo无法构建JavaScript包

时间:2018-01-15 15:55:22

标签: react-native expo

安装软件包并运行react-native链接后。当我尝试在Xcode上启动模拟器时,我在exp start的日志中收到以下错误消息:





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通过 namespace RabbitMQ.ServiceModel { internal sealed class RabbitMQInputChannel : RabbitMQInputChannelBase // Implement interface IChannel and IInputChannel { [...] public override void Open(TimeSpan timeout) { try { if (State != CommunicationState.Created && State != CommunicationState.Closed) { this.Close(); throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Cannot open the channel from the {0} state.", base.State)); } OnOpening(); string queueName = m_bindingElement.QueueName; string key = m_bindingElement.RoutingKey == null ? string.Empty : m_bindingElement.RoutingKey; string exchange = m_bindingElement.ExchangeName; if (m_bindingElement.QueueDeclare) { try { m_model.QueueDeclare(queueName, true, false, false, null); } catch (Exception ex) { } } //Listen to the queue m_consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(m_model); m_consumer.ConsumerCancelled += OnConsumerCancelled; m_consumer.Received += (sender, args) => m_queue.Add(args); m_model.BasicConsume(queueName, false, m_consumer); OnOpened(); } catch(Exception ex) { EventLogHelper.WriteError(ex.Message); this.Close(); } } private void OnConsumerCancelled(object sender, ConsumerEventArgs e) { // HERE I WANT TO DISABLE MY RECEIVE LOCATION } } } 清除缓存,并按Hameed的建议在终端中按R键重新启动捆绑器

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