
时间:2009-01-27 12:56:51

标签: c# .net multithreading memory timer

我在这段代码中似乎有内存泄漏。它是一个控制台应用程序,它创建了几个类(WorkerThread),每个类都以指定的时间间隔写入控制台。 Threading.Timer用于执行此操作,因此写入控制台是在单独的线程中执行的(TimerCallback在从ThreadPool获取的单独线程中调用)。更复杂的是,MainThread类挂接到FileSystemWatcher的Changed事件;当test.xml文件发生更改时,将重新创建WorkerThread类。

每次保存文件时(每次重新创建WorkerThread和Timer时),任务管理器中的内存都会增加(Mem Usage,有时还会增加VM Size);此外,在.Net Memory Profiler(v3.1)中,WorkerThread类的未分配实例增加了两个(这可能是一个红色的鲱鱼,因为我已经读过.Net Memory Profiler有一个bug,它很难检测到处理班级。

无论如何,这是代码 - 有谁知道什么是错的?


编辑当您写入时,这似乎主要是控制台使用内存的问题。显式编写的Threads仍然存在增加内存使用量的问题。请参阅my answer below

class Program
    private static List<WorkerThread> threads = new List<WorkerThread>();

    static void Main(string[] args)


public class MainThread
    private static int _eventsRaised = 0;
    private static int _eventsRespondedTo = 0;
    private static bool _reload = false;
    private static readonly object _reloadLock = new object();
    //to do something once in handler, though
    //this code would go in onStart in a windows service.
    public static void Start()
        WorkerThread thread1 = null;
        WorkerThread thread2 = null;

        Console.WriteLine("Start: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
        //watch config
        FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
        watcher.Path = "../../";
        watcher.Filter = "test.xml";
        watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
        //subscribe to changed event. note that this event can be raised a number of times for each save of the file.
        watcher.Changed += (sender, args) => FileChanged(sender, args);

        thread1 = new WorkerThread("foo", 10);
        thread2 = new WorkerThread("bar", 15);

        while (true)
            if (_reload)
                //create our two threads.
                Console.WriteLine("Start - reload: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                //wait, to enable other file changed events to pass
                Console.WriteLine("Start - waiting: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                Thread.Sleep(3000); //each thread lasts 0.5 seconds, so 3 seconds should be plenty to wait for the 
                                    //LoadData function to complete.
                thread1 = new WorkerThread("foo", 10);
                thread2 = new WorkerThread("bar", 15);
                _reload = false;

    //this event handler is called in a separate thread to Start()
    static void FileChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
        _eventsRaised += 1;
        //if it was more than a second since the last event (ie, it's a new save), then wait for 3 seconds (to avoid 
        //multiple events for the same file save) before processing
        if (!_reload)
            Console.WriteLine("FileChanged: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
            _eventsRespondedTo += 1;
            Console.WriteLine("FileChanged. Handled event {0} of {1}.", _eventsRespondedTo, _eventsRaised);
            //tell main thread to restart threads
            _reload = true;

public class WorkerThread : IDisposable
    private System.Threading.Timer timer;   //the timer exists in its own separate thread pool thread.
    private string _name = string.Empty;
    private int _interval = 0;  //thread wait interval in ms.
    private Thread _thread = null;
    private ThreadStart _job = null;

    public WorkerThread(string name, int interval)
        Console.WriteLine("WorkerThread: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
        _name = name;
        _interval = interval * 1000;
        _job = new ThreadStart(LoadData);
        _thread = new Thread(_job);
        //timer = new Timer(Tick, null, 1000, interval * 1000);

    //this delegate instance does NOT run in the same thread as the thread that created the timer. It runs in its own
    //thread, taken from the ThreadPool. Hence, no need to create a new thread for the LoadData method.
    private void Tick(object state)

    //Loads the data. Called from separate thread. Lasts 0.5 seconds.
    //private void LoadData(object state)
    private void LoadData()
        while (true)
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Worker thread {0} ({2}): {1}", _name, i, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId));

    public void Stop()
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

    #region IDisposable Members

    public void Dispose()
        Console.WriteLine("Dispose: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


在Watcher.Changed的处理程序中,您调用Thread.Sleep(3000); 这是你不拥有的线程回调中的不良行为(因为它是由观察者拥有/使用的池提供的。虽然这不是你问题的根源。这直接违反了{{3 }}


static void test()
    _eventsRaised += 1;
    //if it was more than a second since the last event (ie, it's a new save), then wait for 3 seconds (to avoid 
    //multiple events for the same file save) before processing
    if (DateTime.Now.Ticks - _lastEventTicks > 1000)
        _lastEventTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
        _eventsRespondedTo += 1;
        Console.WriteLine("File changed. Handled event {0} of {1}.", _eventsRespondedTo, _eventsRaised);
        //stop threads and then restart them
        thread1 = new WorkerThread("foo", 20);
        thread2 = new WorkerThread("bar", 30);



  1. 一个thread1.Stop()
  2. 一个thread2.Stop()
  3. B thread1.Stop()
  4. B thread2.Stop()
  5. thread1 = new WorkerThread()
  6. thread2 = new WorkerThread()
  7. B thread1 = new WorkerThread()
  8. B thread2 = new WorkerThread()
  9. 现在堆上有4个WorkerThread实例,但只有两个引用它们的变量,A创建的两个实例已泄露。使用计时器进行事件处理和回调注册意味着尽管您的代码中没有引用它们,但这些泄漏的WorkerThread仍保持活动状态(在GC意义上)。他们永远都会被泄露。


答案 1 :(得分:3)


阅读上面的MSDN docs



public class ThreadUsingClass
    private object mSyncObject = new object();
    private bool mKilledThread = false;
    private Thread mThread = null;

    void Start()
        // start mThread

    void Stop()
            mKilledThread = true;


    void ThreadProc()
            bool isKilled = false;
                isKilled = mKilledThread;
            if (isKilled)

答案 2 :(得分:2)

好吧,有一段时间再次研究一下,看来内存泄漏有点像红鲱鱼。 当我停止写入控制台时,内存使用量会停止增加


请参阅下面的新代码。我创建了两个类 - WorkerThread和WorkerTimer,其中一个使用Threads和其他Timers(我尝试了两个Timers,System.Threading.Timer和System.Timers.Timer。在控制台输出打开的情况下,你可以看出这与使得tick事件被引发到哪个线程有关。只需注释/取消注释MainThread.Start的相应行,以便使用所需的类。由于上述原因,建议将Console.WriteLine行注释掉,除非您要检查一切是否按预期工作。

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)


public class MainThread
    private static int _eventsRaised = 0;
    private static int _eventsRespondedTo = 0;
    private static bool _reload = false;
    private static readonly object _reloadLock = new object();
    //to do something once in handler, though
    //this code would go in onStart in a windows service.
    public static void Start()
        WorkerThread thread1 = null;
        WorkerThread thread2 = null;
        //WorkerTimer thread1 = null;
        //WorkerTimer thread2 = null;

        //Console.WriteLine("Start: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
        //watch config
        FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
        watcher.Path = "../../";
        watcher.Filter = "test.xml";
        watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
        //subscribe to changed event. note that this event can be raised a number of times for each save of the file.
        watcher.Changed += (sender, args) => FileChanged(sender, args);

        thread1 = new WorkerThread("foo", 10);
        thread2 = new WorkerThread("bar", 15);
        //thread1 = new WorkerTimer("foo", 10);
        //thread2 = new WorkerTimer("bar", 15);

        while (true)
            if (_reload)
                //create our two threads.
                //Console.WriteLine("Start - reload: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                //wait, to enable other file changed events to pass
                //Console.WriteLine("Start - waiting: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                Thread.Sleep(3000); //each thread lasts 0.5 seconds, so 3 seconds should be plenty to wait for the 
                //LoadData function to complete.
                thread1 = new WorkerThread("foo", 5);
                thread2 = new WorkerThread("bar", 7);
                //thread1 = new WorkerTimer("foo", 5);
                //thread2 = new WorkerTimer("bar", 7);
                _reload = false;

    //this event handler is called in a separate thread to Start()
    static void FileChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
        _eventsRaised += 1;
        //if it was more than a second since the last event (ie, it's a new save), then wait for 3 seconds (to avoid 
        //multiple events for the same file save) before processing
        if (!_reload)
            //Console.WriteLine("FileChanged: thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
            _eventsRespondedTo += 1;
            //Console.WriteLine("FileChanged. Handled event {0} of {1}.", _eventsRespondedTo, _eventsRaised);
            //tell main thread to restart threads
            _reload = true;

public class WorkerTimer : IDisposable
    private System.Threading.Timer _timer;   //the timer exists in its own separate thread pool thread.
    //private System.Timers.Timer _timer;
    private string _name = string.Empty;

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WorkerThread"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
    /// <param name="interval">The interval, in seconds.</param>
    public WorkerTimer(string name, int interval)
        _name = name;
        //Console.WriteLine("WorkerThread constructor: Called from thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
        //_timer = new System.Timers.Timer(interval * 1000);
        //_timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => LoadData();
        _timer = new Timer(Tick, null, 1000, interval * 1000);

    //this delegate instance does NOT run in the same thread as the thread that created the timer. It runs in its own
    //thread, taken from the ThreadPool. Hence, no need to create a new thread for the LoadData method.
    private void Tick(object state)

    //Loads the data. Called from separate thread. Lasts 0.5 seconds.
    private void LoadData()
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Worker thread {0} ({2}): {1}", _name, i, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId));

    public void Stop()
        //Console.WriteLine("Stop: called from thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
        _timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
        //_timer = null;

    #region IDisposable Members

    public void Dispose()
        //Console.WriteLine("Dispose: called from thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
        _timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
        //_timer = null;


public class WorkerThread : IDisposable
    private string _name = string.Empty;
    private int _interval = 0;  //thread wait interval in ms.
    private Thread _thread = null;
    private ThreadStart _job = null;
    private object _syncObject = new object();
    private bool _killThread = false;

    public WorkerThread(string name, int interval)
        _name = name;
        _interval = interval * 1000;
        _job = new ThreadStart(LoadData);
        _thread = new Thread(_job);
        //Console.WriteLine("WorkerThread constructor: thread " + _thread.ManagedThreadId + " created. Called from thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

    //Loads the data. Called from separate thread. Lasts 0.5 seconds.
    //private void LoadData(object state)
    private void LoadData()
        while (true)
            //check to see if thread it to be stopped.
            bool isKilled = false;

            lock (_syncObject)
                isKilled = _killThread;

            if (isKilled)

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Worker thread {0} ({2}): {1}", _name, i, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId));

    public void Stop()
        //Console.WriteLine("Stop: thread " + _thread.ManagedThreadId + " called from thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
        lock (_syncObject)
            _killThread = true;

    #region IDisposable Members

    public void Dispose()
        //Console.WriteLine("Dispose: thread " + _thread.ManagedThreadId + " called from thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
        lock (_syncObject)
            _killThread = true;


答案 3 :(得分:0)


答案 4 :(得分:0)


答案 5 :(得分:0)

永远不会终止线程 - 使用Process Explorer之类的东西来检查线程数是否增加以及内存。在Stop()方法中添加对Abort()的调用。
