如何针对身份问题解决hyperledger composer cli命令的以下问题?

时间:2018-01-22 11:23:23

标签: composer-php hyperledger-fabric hyperledger hyperledger-composer

image 1 image 2

From the following link


composer identity issue -c admin@mron-business-network -fsupplier -u suppid -a "resource:org.mron.Supplier#S001" -x false
Issue identity and create Network Card for: suppid

✖ Issuing identity. This may take a few seconds...
Error: fabric-ca request register failed with errors [[{"code":400,"message":"Authorization failure"}]]
Command failed

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

早先在Rocketchat上发布了同样的消息。您的卡中的管理员ID似乎不是CA服务器当前已知的管理员ID。使用(例如)composer card import -f <filename>导入后,您需要连接到业务网络(或使用composer network ping -c admin@mron-business-network进行连接) - 用于从CA下载到钱包的凭据(密钥/证书)服务器。然后,您可以使用composer card list --name admin@mron-business-network对此进行验证,并查看相关卡片的“凭据设置”消息。
