
时间:2018-01-26 20:12:51

标签: stata


outcomes                    perct   highcred                hperct
Certificate & Diploma Only  8.33    Certificate & Diploma   8.33
Associate Only              2.93    Associate               14.29
Bachelor Only               11.36   Bachelor                6.93
Certificate + AA            2.2     
Associate + Bachelor        4.33    

我已经通过多种方式对数据进行了重新整理,并尝试使用graph bar, over() stack并尝试使用twoway的不同迭代。我确定使用twoway可以做到这一点,但我找不到解决方案。有什么想法吗?


我已经分别绘制了两个条形图,并尝试使用graph combine将它们组合在一起。我已经明确表示他们都羞耻y轴,但它似乎并没有起作用。我做错了什么?


*B. Create a seperate variable for each value of outcomes
    levelsof outcomes, local(out)
    tokenize "1 2 3 4 5"
    foreach level of local out {
        gen outcome`1' = .
            replace outcome`1' = perct if outcomes=="`level'"
        mac shift

*C. Create a seperate variable for each value of highgred
    levelsof highcred, local(high)
    tokenize "1 2 3"
    foreach level of local high {
        gen highcred`1' = .
            replace highcred`1' = hperct if highcred=="`level'"
        mac shift

//2: Create Bar graphs

    *A. Bar 1
        graph bar outcome1-outcome5, stack saving(bar1) 

    *B. Bar 2 
        graph bar highcred1-highcred3, stack saving(bar2)

    *C. Combine graphs
        graph combine bar1.gph bar2.gph, ycommon

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



levelsof outcomes, local(out)
levelsof highcred, local(high)
local highcopy "`high'"

local c1: word count `out'
local c2: word count `high'

local colors1 ebblue pink brown
local colors2 `colors1'

forvalues i = 1 / `= `c1' + `c2'' {
    generate outcome`i' = .
    gettoken outc out : out
    if `i' <= `c1' replace outcome`i' = perct if outcomes == "`outc'" 
    if `i' > `c1' {
        gettoken color colors1 : colors1
        local bars1 `bars1' bar(`i', color(`color'))
    if `i' <= `c2' {
        generate highcred`i' = .
        gettoken highcc highcopy : highcopy
        replace highcred`i' = hperct if highcred == "`highcc'"
        gettoken color colors2 : colors2
        local bars2 `bars2' bar(`i', color(`color')) 
    if `i' <= `c1' local legend `legend' label(`i' "`outc'")
    else {
        gettoken highc high : high
        local legend `legend' label(`i' "`highc'")

order outcome* high*

graph bar outcome1-outcome8, stack ///
                             ylabel(, nogrid) ///
                             graphregion(color(white)) ///
                             `bars1' ///
                             name(bar1, replace) ///

graph bar highcred1-highcred3, stack ///
                               ylabel(, nogrid) ///
                               yscale(off) ///
                               graphregion(color(white)) ///
                               `bars2' ///
                               name(bar2, replace) 

grc1leg bar1 bar2, ycommon graphregion(color(white)) legendfrom(bar1)

enter image description here

在每个blabel(bar, position(base))命令中添加选项graph bar将产生:

enter image description here


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我真的不了解这些数据。我想值的顺序是值得保留的,尽管我不认为你的代码会这样做。我建议你使用不同的数据结构,水平条和没有堆叠会更好。 graph bar (asis)是一个更好的主意,如果您有一个图例,可以避免在图例中使用手段,但您根本不需要图例。

为此,您需要从 Stata Journal labmask)安装search labmask以获取链接。

您应该能够使用比outcomes highcred更好的文字。

input str42 outcomes perct str42 highcred hperct 
"Certificate & Diploma Only"  8.33    "Certificate & Diploma"   8.33
"Associate Only"              2.93    "Associate"               14.29
"Bachelor Only"               11.36   "Bachelor"                6.93
"Certificate + AA"            2.2     "" .
"Associate + Bachelor"        4.33    "" . 

rename (outcomes-hperct) (x1 p1 x2 p2) 
gen id = _n 
reshape long x p , i(id) j(which) 

sort which id
replace id = _n
drop in 9/10 
labmask id, values(x)
label def which 1 "outcomes" 2 "highcred"
label val which which

graph hbar (asis) p, over(id) over(which) nofill scheme(s1color) ytitle(percent) ///
bar(1, bfcolor(none)) blabel(total, pos(base) format(%3.2f)) yla(none) ysc(alt) 

enter image description here