
时间:2018-01-26 22:16:39

标签: python python-3.x class


order1 = order(1,'Luke','p5','16gb','1tb','19in','midi','4usb')


  File "program.py", line 103, in main
    order1 = order(1,'Luke','p5','16gb','1tb','19in','midi','4usb')
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'order' referenced before assignment

这对我来说毫无意义,因为它在我的其他功能中非常有效。整个代码打印在下面。你可以在'main'函数中看到在函数的第一行和第二行首先调用错误的行,以及稍后当输入文本'test'时,它也会返回错误,没有明显的原因。我在Mac OS X上使用Python 3.6.3。

#!/usr/bin/env python3

class order(object):
    def __init__(self, orderNo, customer, processor, ram, storage, screen, case, usb):
        self.orderNo = orderNo
        self.customer = customer
        self.processor = processor
        self.ram = ram
        self.storage = storage
        self.screen = screen
        self.case = case
        self.usb = usb

    def stockCost(self):
        global componentCosts
        return componentCosts[self.processor] + componentCosts[self.ram] + componentCosts[self.storage] + componentCosts[self.screen]+ componentCosts[self.case]+ componentCosts[self.usb]

    def salePrice(self):
        return self.stockCost() * 1.2

    def print_order(self):
        """Prints the data of an order in a viewable way for the vendor"""
        return 'Order number: {}, for customer: {}.\n'.format(self.orderNo, self.customer) \
        + '{} processor.\n'.format(self.processor) \
        + '{} of ram.\n'.format(self.ram.upper()) \
        + '{} of storage.\n'.format(self.storage.upper()) \
        + '{} screen.\n'.format(self.screen) \
        + '{}{} case.\n'.format(self.case.lower()[0].upper(), self.case.lower()[1:])\
        + '{} {} ports.\n'.format(self.usb[0], self.usb[1:].upper()) \
        + 'Your chosen build will cost ${:0.2f}.\n'.format(self.salePrice())

    def user_print_order(self):
        """Prints the data of an order in a viewable way for the customer"""
        return '{}, your order number is {}.\n'.format(self.customer, self.orderNo) \
        + 'You have chosen a {} processor.\n'.format(self.processor) \
        + 'You have chosen {} of ram.\n'.format(self.ram.upper()) \
        + 'You have chosen to have {} of storage.\n'.format(self.storage.upper()) \
        + 'You have chosen a {} screen.\n'.format(self.screen) \
        + 'You have chosen a {}{} case.\n'.format(self.case.lower()[0].upper(), self.case.lower()[1:])\
        + 'You have chosen to have {} {} ports.\n'.format(self.usb[0], self.usb[1:].upper()) \
        + 'Your chosen build will cost ${:0.2f}.\n'.format(self.salePrice())

def place_order():
    global componentList
    global stock
    global orders
    orderOK = True
    componentChoices = {}
    print ('Please choose your components, These are your options:\n(please enter the component as they appear on the component list)\n' + componentList)
    name = input('Please enter your name: ')
    componentChoices['processor'] = input('Please enter what processor you would like: ')
    componentChoices['ram'] = input('Please enter how much ram you would like: ')
    componentChoices['storage'] = input('Please enter how much storage you would like: ')
    componentChoices['screen'] = input('Please enter how big a screen you would like: ')
    componentChoices['case'] = input('Please enter what size case you would like: ')
    componentChoices['usb'] = input('Please enter whether you would like 4 USB ports or 2 (enter 4USB or 2USB): ')
    for part in componentChoices:
        choice = componentChoices[part].lower()
        if stock[choice] < 1:
            print ('Your choice of {} is out of stock, please choose a different option.\n'.format(part) + componentList)
            componentChoice[part] = input('Enter your new choice of {}.'.format(part))
            if stock[componentChoices[part]] < 1:
                print ('Your choice of {} is also out of stock, your order has thus failed to go through. Please try again later.')
                orderOK = False
                return None
        else: stock[componentChoices[part].lower()] -= 1

    toBeReturned = order(len(orders)+1, name, componentChoices['processor'], componentChoices['ram'], componentChoices['storage'], componentChoices['screen'], componentChoices['case'], componentChoices['usb'])
    print (toBeReturned.user_print_order())
    query = input('Is this information correct? Enter "Y" or "N".')
    while True:
        if query.lower() == 'y':
        if query.lower == 'n':
            print('Your order has not been placed, please re-place the order')
            return None

    return toBeReturned

componentList = 'Processor: p3, p5 or p7\nRAM: 16GB or 32GB\nStorage: 1TB or 2TB\nScreen: 19in or 23in\nCase Size: Mini or Midi\nNo of Ports: 2USB or 4USB'

componentCosts = {
'p3': 100, 'p5': 120, 'p7': 200, '16gb': 75, '32gb': 150,
'1tb': 50, '2tb': 100, '19in': 65, '23in': 120, 'mini': 40,
'midi': 70, '2usb': 10, '4usb': 20
stock = {
'p3': 100, 'p5': 100, 'p7': 100, '16gb': 100, '32gb': 100,
'1tb': 100, '2tb': 100, '19in': 100, '23in': 100, 'mini': 100,
'midi': 100, '2usb': 100, '4usb': 100

orders = {}

#~ order1 = order(1,'Luke','p5','16gb','1tb','19in','midi','4usb')
#~ print (order1.print_order())

def main():
    order1 = order(1,'Luke','p5','16gb','1tb','19in','midi','4usb')
    print (order1.print_order())
    global componentList
    global stock
    global orders
    while True:
        print ('\nEnter "make" to place an order, "view" to view previous orders, "stock" to view the stock levels, and "quit" to quit the program. Quitting the program will lose records of previous orders, please back them up by copying the output from entering "view".')
        command = input().lower()
        while True:
            if command == 'quit':
                return False
            if command == 'view':
                for order in orders:
                    print (orders[order].print_order()+'\n')
            if command == 'make':
                #~ globals()["order" + str(len(orders)+1)] = place_order()
                order1 = order()
                if globals()["order" + str(len(orders)+1)] == None:
                    orders[len(orders)+1] = globals()["order" + str(len(orders)+1)]
            if command == 'stock':
                for i in stock:
                    print(i + ': ' + str(stock[i]))
            if command == 'test':
                for i in range(10):
                    globals()["order" + str(i)] = order(i,'Luke','p5','16gb','1tb','19in','midi','4usb')
                    orders[len(orders)+1] = globals()["order" + str(i)]
                print('Invalid option entered please try again')

if __name__ == "__main__":

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


for order in orders:

这是对order的隐藏赋值,导致编译器将order标记为局部变量,因此UnboundLocalError: local variable 'order' referenced before assignment

