
时间:2018-01-28 20:38:31

标签: c# arrays sorting

我有一个2D数组,有4列和1921980行string array = new string[1921980, 4]。数组应按第四列中的值排序。所以我从Bubble Sort开始,它的速度非常慢,甚至是并行化的。它还会产生很高的CPU利用率。我切换到快速排序(递归),事情变得更快。问题是我在排序时调用了2个方法:

  • Console.Write显示进度
  • StringToInt32自定义方法,速度高于Convert.ToInt32Int32.Parse

但是这会在一段时间后产生StackOverFlowException。所以我决定选择Quick Sort(迭代)。感觉就像Bubble Sort。我想我的代码有些问题。

    static int StringToInt32(string s)
        int tmp = 0;

        switch (s[0])
            case '-':
                for (int counter = 1; counter < s.Length; counter++)
                    tmp = tmp * 10 + (s[counter] - '0');

                tmp *= -1;
                return tmp;
                for (int counter = 0; counter < s.Length; counter++)
                    tmp = tmp * 10 + (s[counter] - '0');
                return tmp;

    static void QuickSort(ref string[,] array, int length)
        Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();
        stack.Push(length - 1);

        int percent = -1;

        int look = 0;

        while (stack.Count != 0)
            * Pop array or sub array start and end index
            int left = stack.Pop();
            int right = stack.Pop();
            int newPivotIndex = Partition(ref array, left, right);

            *  divide right i.e. second sub array from newPivotIndex+1 to right
            *  here newPivotIndex+1 is index where right elements are greater or = than pivot
            *  use stack for storing array index and in while loop pop that right sub array indexes.
            if ((newPivotIndex + 1) < right)
                stack.Push(newPivotIndex + 1);
            *  divide sub array from left to mid or newPivotIndex-1
            *  here newPivotIndex-1 is index where left elements are lesser or = than pivot
            *  use stack for storing array index and in while loop pop that left sub array indexes.
            if ((newPivotIndex - 1) > left)
                stack.Push(newPivotIndex - 1);

            if (look * 100 / length != percent)
                percent = look * 100 / length;
                Console.Write("\r{0}%", percent);


    static int GetMedianPivot(ref string[,] array, int left, int right)
        int mid = ((left + right) / 2);
        /** middle number of array is less than left number of array 
         *  then Swap middle and left number
        if (StringToInt32(array[mid, 3]) < StringToInt32(array[left, 3]))
            Swap(ref array, left, mid);
        /** rightmost number of array is less than left number of array 
         *  then Swap right and left number
        if (StringToInt32(array[right, 3]) < StringToInt32(array[left, 3]))
            Swap(ref array, left, right);
        * now right number is less than mid then Swap number which 
        * shifts median of three numbers into mid position
        if (StringToInt32(array[right, 3]) < StringToInt32(array[mid, 3]))
            Swap(ref array, mid, right);
        * Shift Median or pivot from mid to rightmost position
        * i.e. out of partitioning index
        Swap(ref array, mid, right);
        /**return pivot number value which is right most now.**/
        return StringToInt32(array[right, 3]);

    static int Partition(ref string[,] array, int left, int right)
        int pivot = StringToInt32(array[right, 3]); ;

        * Initialize low = left i.e. start index of array or logical sub-array
        * Initialize high = right-1 i.e. end index of array or logical sub array;
        * becuase right is pivot element so start from right-1;
        int low = left;
        int high = right - 1;
            while (StringToInt32(array[low, 3]) < pivot && low < right - 1)

            while (StringToInt32(array[high, 3]) >= pivot && high > left)

            * Swap elements when any left element is greater than pivot or  
            * any right element is less than pivot.
            if (low < high)
                Swap(ref array, low, high);
        } while (low < high);
        *  Swap right most pivot to its right position i.e. at low, then 
        *  left elements are lesser and right elements are greater than pivot.
        if (StringToInt32(array[low, 3]) > pivot)
            Swap(ref array, low, right);

        return low;

    static void Swap(ref string[,] array, int i, int j)
        string[] buffer = new string[4];

        buffer[0] = array[i, 0];
        buffer[1] = array[i, 1];
        buffer[2] = array[i, 2];
        buffer[3] = array[i, 3];

        array[i, 0] = array[j, 0];
        array[i, 1] = array[j, 1];
        array[i, 2] = array[j, 2];
        array[i, 3] = array[j, 3];

        array[j, 0] = buffer[0];
        array[j, 1] = buffer[1];
        array[j, 2] = buffer[2];
        array[j, 3] = buffer[3];

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

为什么你到处都使用refs?数组已经是一个指针,你可以有效地使用它作为参数,使用ref并不是更快。 Sami Kuhmonen也有一些重要的观察结果。


int ArrSize = 1921980;
long[] tmp = new long[ArrSize];
for (int i = 0; i < ArrSize; ++i)
    tmp[i] = (((long)StringToInt32(array[i, 3])) << 32) | (long)i;


string[,] array2 = new string[ArrSize, 4];
for (int i = 0; i < ArrSize; ++i)
    int index = (int)tmp[i];
    array2[i, 0] = array[index, 0];
    array2[i, 1] = array[index, 1];
    array2[i, 2] = array[index, 2];
    array2[i, 3] = array[index, 3];

负数是一个问题吗?将负数int转换为高位32位的长产品1。但是在我们的案例中他们被转移了。高32位最终等于数组中的原始数字。为了进行比较,(不是这样做,但你可以imagine that is)你一点一点地进行比较,如果你发现差异就产生结果。从中可以看出,只要高32位存在差异,低32位就无关紧要了。 (long)i是安全的,因为我是数组中的索引,它始终是正数。 (int)tmp[i]只丢弃高32位,不会以任何方式改变低位。结论是,这不是问题。
