Python - 从docx文件中删除表

时间:2018-01-30 16:27:08

标签: python python-3.x docx

我有一个docx文件,我需要从中提取所有文本。 docx还有我想忽略/删除的表。


import docx2txt
from docx.api import Document
import docx

#initialize the new columns
ctext = list(textdb['txt'])
ctable = list(textdb['tables'])

#call in the file
x = <docx_filepath>
document = Document(x)
tables = document.tables

#see the actual text of tables
for table in document.tables:
    for row in table.rows:
        for cell in row.cells:
            print (cell.text)

#tells the count of how many tables are in the docx
tablelength = str(len(tables))

#process the actual text (this includes the table text right now)
text2 = docx2txt.process(x)

#write values back to the list
textdb['txt'] = ctext
textdb['tables'] = ctable

我希望文件中包含所有表格文本。现在每个表都将在python中显示为一个单独的元素(EX:docx.table.Table at 0x1d303c4f2b0)

任何帮助都会很棒 - 谢谢,

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#copy the iter_block_items function from
from os import scandir
totaltext= []
for filename in scandir(directory):
    sentences = []
    x = filename.path
    cable = Document(x)
    for item in iter_block_items(cable):
        sentences.append(item.text if isinstance(item, Paragraph) else '<table>') 

然后,您只需运行脚本即可删除“&lt; table&gt;”的所有实例使用re.sub
