如何在Mac High Sierra上使用openssl安装PHP?

时间:2018-02-01 21:05:39

标签: php macos openssl macos-high-sierra php-openssl

我正在使用Mac High Sierra。我想用openssl扩展安装PHP 7.2。我安装了openssl

localhost:php-7.2.1 davea$ brew install openssl
Warning: openssl 1.0.2n is already installed

但是,当我运行PHP configure命令(我从源代码构建它)时,它最终会因以下错误而死掉

localhost:php-7.2.1 davea$ ./configure --with-gmp=/usr/local --with-openssl --with-openssl-dir=/opt/local/bin
checking for Kerberos support... no
checking whether to use system default cipher list instead of hardcoded value... no
checking for RAND_egd... no
checking for pkg-config... /usr/local/bin/pkg-config
configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL's <evp.h>


ps - 我不使用自制软件安装PHP的原因是因为自制软件不支持使用GMP安装PHP,这是我需要的。

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