UnboundLocalError:局部变量' endProgram'在分配之前引用

时间:2018-02-05 03:47:32

标签: python variables variable-assignment local


def main():

declareVariables(endProgram, endOrder, totalBurger, totalFry, totalSoda, total, tax,
                 subtotal, option, burgerCount, fryCount, sodaCount)

while endProgram == 'no' or endProgram == 'No':

    resetVariables(totalBurger, totalFry, totalSoda, total, tax, subtotal)

    while endOrder == 'no' or endOrder == 'No':
        print("Enter 1 for Yum Yum Burger")
        print("Enter 2 for Grease Yum Fries")
        print("Enter 3 for Soda Yum")
        option = input("Please make your selection: ")
        if option == 1:
            getBurger(totalBurger, burgerCount)
            return option
        elif option == 2:
            getFry(totalFry, fryCount)
            return option
        elif option == 3:
            getSoda(totalSoda, sodaCount)
            return option

        endOrder = input("Do you want to end your order?(Enter no to add more items: ")
        return endOrder

    calcTotal(burgerTotal, fryTotal, sodaTotal, total, subtotal, tax)

    endProgram = input("Do you want to end the program?(Enter no to process a new order)")
    return endProgram

def declareVariables(endProgram, endOrder, totalBurger, totalFry, totalSoda, total, tax,
                 subtotal, option, burgerCount, fryCount, sodaCount):
endProgram = 'no'
endOrder = 'no'
totalBurger = 0
totalFry = 0
totalSoda = 0
total = 0
tax = 0
subtotal = 0
option = 0
burgerCount = 0
fryCount = 0
sodaCount = 0




追踪(最近一次通话):     文件" C:/ Users / edigi / Desktop / FSW / COP 1000 / YumYumBurger.py",第96行,in       主要()     文件" C:/ Users / edigi / Desktop / FSW / COP 1000 / YumYumBurger.py",第15行,主要       declareVariables(endProgram,endOrder,totalBurger,totalFry,totalSoda,total,tax,   UnboundLocalError:局部变量' endProgram'在分配前引用


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


declareVariables(endProgram, endOrder, totalBurger, totalFry, totalSoda, total, tax,
                 subtotal, option, burgerCount, fryCount, sodaCount)


