
时间:2018-02-12 00:12:08

标签: python algorithm time-complexity complexity-theory primes


第一个循环显然是n,因为它设置了字典。更棘手的部分是嵌套循环。外循环运行n / 4次:0 to n/2, step=2。内部循环仅在数字被认为是素数时才会运行,这在开始时会发生很多,但随着数字的增加会越来越少。

def primesV2(n):
    count = 0 # count is for counting the number of iterations done

    # set all even numbers (and 1) to False, else assume prime
    x = {}
    for i in range(n):
        if (i != 2 and i % 2 == 0) or i==1:
            x[i] = False
            x[i] = True

    # start at 3 because its the first odd prime
    while i < n/2: # loop until halfway to n
        if x[i]: # if the number is considered prime
            for j in range(3*i,n,i*2): # if i=3, j will be 9,15,21 (odd multiples of 3)
                x[j] = False # these are not prime
                count = count + 1
            count = count + 1
        i = i+2

    return x, count

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你在这里有一个改良的Eratosthenes筛子。没有任何优化,复杂性将是O(n log log n)。查看this wikipedia文章原因。

您的优化会使总速度提高4倍。您只能达到n / 2(您可以停在sqrt n)并跳过一半的倍数。虽然这将使代码更快,但复杂性保持不变(忽略常数因子)。所以它仍然是O(n log log n)
