
时间:2018-02-18 09:35:50

标签: python python-3.x list permutation repeat


[Sam(17), Harry(17), Bob(5), Sally(5)]


Sam(17), Harry(17), Bob(5), Sally(5)

Sam(17), Harry(17), Sally(5), Bob(5)

Harry(17), Sam(17), Bob(5), Sally(5)

Harry(17), Sam(17), Sally(5), Bob(5)

基本上,对于每个不同的等级组,都有n!组合。在这种情况下,它将是2! * 2!我很难找到一种有效的方法来对一个包含8个等级的34个名字的列表进行排列。

我的内存耗尽,试图找到2! * 2! * 4! * 2! * 2! * 8! * 4! * 10!不同的名单。

有没有有效的方法来生成此列表? python需要多少内存?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




>> import itertools, operator
>>> data = *zip('Peter Paul Mary Jack Jill'.split(), (17, 17, 17, 4, 4)),
>>> data
(('Peter', 17), ('Paul', 17), ('Mary', 17), ('Jack', 4), ('Jill', 4))
# group by rank
>>> groups = itertools.groupby(data, operator.itemgetter(1))
# extract the groups and generate all permutations of each of them
>>> permutations = map(itertools.permutations, map(operator.itemgetter(1), groups))
# form the cartesian product of the permutations, flatten out excess nesting
# convert inner generators to lists
>>> result = map(list, map(itertools.chain.from_iterable, itertools.product(*permutations)))
>>> for i in result:
...     print(i)
[('Peter', 17), ('Paul', 17), ('Mary', 17), ('Jack', 4), ('Jill', 4)]
[('Peter', 17), ('Paul', 17), ('Mary', 17), ('Jill', 4), ('Jack', 4)]
[('Peter', 17), ('Mary', 17), ('Paul', 17), ('Jack', 4), ('Jill', 4)]
[('Peter', 17), ('Mary', 17), ('Paul', 17), ('Jill', 4), ('Jack', 4)]
[('Paul', 17), ('Peter', 17), ('Mary', 17), ('Jack', 4), ('Jill', 4)]
[('Paul', 17), ('Peter', 17), ('Mary', 17), ('Jill', 4), ('Jack', 4)]
[('Paul', 17), ('Mary', 17), ('Peter', 17), ('Jack', 4), ('Jill', 4)]
[('Paul', 17), ('Mary', 17), ('Peter', 17), ('Jill', 4), ('Jack', 4)]
[('Mary', 17), ('Peter', 17), ('Paul', 17), ('Jack', 4), ('Jill', 4)]
[('Mary', 17), ('Peter', 17), ('Paul', 17), ('Jill', 4), ('Jack', 4)]
[('Mary', 17), ('Paul', 17), ('Peter', 17), ('Jack', 4), ('Jill', 4)]
[('Mary', 17), ('Paul', 17), ('Peter', 17), ('Jill', 4), ('Jack', 4)]