
时间:2018-02-18 10:49:05

标签: rust closures lifetime


pub struct Graph<'a> {
    pub nodes: Vec<Node>,
    pub edges: Vec<Edge<'a>>,

pub struct Node {
    pub id: String,
    pub label: String,

pub struct Edge<'a> {
    pub source: &'a Node,
    pub target: &'a Node,




impl<'a> Graph<'a> {
    pub fn from_json(json: &String) -> Graph {
        if let json::JsonValue::Object(deserialized) = json::parse(json.as_ref()).unwrap() {
            let nodes: Vec<Node> = deserialized
                .map(|v| {
                    if let json::JsonValue::Object(ref val) = *v {
                        return Node {
                            id: val.get("id").unwrap().to_string(),
                            label: val.get("label").unwrap().to_string(),
                    panic!("Invalid structure of json graph body.")
            let edges: Vec<Edge> = deserialized
                .map(|v| {
                    if let json::JsonValue::Object(ref val) = *v {
                        let source = (*nodes)
                            .find(|&v| v.id == val.get("source").unwrap().to_string())
                        let target = (*nodes)
                            .find(|&v| v.id == val.get("target").unwrap().to_string())
                        return Edge { source, target };
                    panic!("Invalid structure of json graph body.")
            return Graph { nodes, edges };
        panic!("Incorrect struct of json contains!");


error[E0373]: closure may outlive the current function, but it borrows `nodes`, which is owned by the current function
  --> src/graph.rs:30:22
30 |                 .map(|v| {
   |                      ^^^ may outlive borrowed value `nodes`
31 |                     if let json::JsonValue::Object(ref val) = *v {
32 |                         let source = (*nodes).iter().find(|&v| v.id ==  val.get("source").unwrap().to_string()).unwrap();
   |                                        ----- `nodes` is borrowed here
help: to force the closure to take ownership of `nodes` (and any other referenced variables), use the `move` keyword
30 |                 .map(move |v| {
   |                      ^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to previous error



1 个答案:

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经过一番研究,我发现这篇文章是:Rust doc. Smart pointersUsers Rust Lang,我理解了自己的错误。 第一个:我从结构定义中删除了生命周期参数。

use std::rc::Rc;
pub struct Graph {
    pub nodes: Vec<Rc<Node>>,
    pub edges: Vec<Edge>
pub struct Node {
    pub id: String,
    pub label: String
pub struct Edge {
    pub source: Rc<Node>,
    pub target: Rc<Node>


impl Graph {
    pub fn from_json(json: & String) -> Graph {
        if let json::JsonValue::Object(deserialized) = json::parse(json.as_ref()).unwrap() {
            let nodes : Vec<Rc<Node>> = deserialized.get("nodes").unwrap().members()
                .map(|v| {
                    if let json::JsonValue::Object(ref val) = *v {
                        return Rc::new(Node {
                            id: val.get("id").unwrap().to_string(),
                            label: val.get("label").unwrap().to_string()
                    panic!("Invalid structure of json graph body.")
            let edges : Vec<Edge> = deserialized.get("edges").unwrap().members()
                .map(|v| {
                    if let json::JsonValue::Object(ref val) = *v {
                        let source = nodes.iter().find(|&v| v.id ==  val.get("source").unwrap().to_string()).unwrap();
                        let target = nodes.iter().find(|&v| v.id ==  val.get("target").unwrap().to_string()).unwrap();
                        return Edge {
                            source: Rc::clone(&source),
                            target: Rc::clone(&target)
                    panic!("Invalid structure of json graph body.")
            return Graph {
        panic!("Incorrect struct of json contains!");

现在它有效。感谢您分享有用的链接。我在Rust中找到了很多有关构建图形结构的有用信息,例如:Graph structure in Rust
