Jquery在页面之间滑动 - 滑动不起作用

时间:2018-02-19 13:01:28

标签: jquery jquery-mobile




我添加了所有CSS& JS代码让我很困惑为什么它不起作用。我甚至在每次刷卡后都将日志添加到控制台,以检查是否有任何事情发生,当我刷日志时?我无法链接到我正在处理的页面,因为它不在线,但是我使用的代码是:

// Pagecreate will fire for each of the pages in this demo
// but we only need to bind once so we use "one()"
$( document ).one( "pagecreate", ".page", function() {
    // Initialize the external persistent header and footer
    $( "header" ).toolbar({ theme: "b" });
    $( "footer" ).toolbar({ theme: "b" });

    // Handler for navigating to the next page
    function navnext( next ) {
        $( ":mobile-pagecontainer" ).pagecontainer( "change", next, {
            transition: "slide"

    // Handler for navigating to the previous page
    function navprev( prev ) {
        $( ":mobile-pagecontainer" ).pagecontainer( "change", prev, {
            transition: "slide",
            reverse: true

    // Navigate to the next page on swipeleft
    $( document ).on( "swipeleft", ".ui-page", function( event ) {
        console.log('swiped left');
        // Get the filename of the next page. We stored that in the data-next
        // attribute in the original markup.
        var next = $( this ).jqmData( "next" );

        // Check if there is a next page and
        // swipes may also happen when the user highlights text, so ignore those.
        // We're only interested in swipes on the page.
        if ( next && ( event.target === $( this )[ 0 ] ) ) {
            navnext( next );
            console.log('Found next page');

    // Navigate to the next page when the "next" button in the footer is clicked
    $( document ).on( "click", ".next", function() {
        var next = $( ".ui-page-active" ).jqmData( "next" );

        // Check if there is a next page
        if ( next ) {
            navnext( next );

    // The same for the navigating to the previous page
    $( document ).on( "swiperight", ".ui-page", function( event ) {
                console.log('Swiped right');

        var prev = $( this ).jqmData( "prev" );

        if ( prev && ( event.target === $( this )[ 0 ] ) ) {
            navprev( prev );


    $( document ).on( "click", ".prev", function() {
        var prev = $( ".ui-page-active" ).jqmData( "prev" );

        if ( prev ) {
            navprev( prev );

$( document ).on( "pageshow", ".page", function() {
    var thePage = $( this ),
        title = thePage.jqmData( "title" ),
        next = thePage.jqmData( "next" ),
        prev = thePage.jqmData( "prev" );


    // We use the same header on each page
    // so we have to update the title
    $( ".breadcrumbs h1" ).text( title );

    // Prefetch the next page
    // We added data-dom-cache="true" to the page so it won't be deleted
    // so there is no need to prefetch it
    if ( next ) {
        $( ":mobile-pagecontainer" ).pagecontainer( "load", next );
        console.log('prefetched page');

    // We disable the next or previous buttons in the footer
    // if there is no next or previous page
    // We use the same footer on each page
    // so first we remove the disabled class if it is there
    $( ".next.ui-state-disabled, .prev.ui-state-disabled" ).removeClass( "ui-state-disabled" );

    if ( ! next ) {
        $( ".next" ).addClass( "ui-state-disabled" );
    if ( ! prev ) {
        $( ".prev" ).addClass( "ui-state-disabled" );

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