优化For循环和Do to循环的最佳方法

时间:2018-02-23 10:54:04

标签: vb.net loops for-loop do-loops


代码有效,但眼睛疼痛。我想整理以下循环以提高效率 - 我的意思是我在For循环中有一个For循环,它创建了文件名列表,然后我有两个单独的Do Until循环,从头到尾搜索列表挑出需要调整的文件名。


Public Class
    Private Sub btnDirectory_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDirectory.Click

    Dim FileNames As New List(Of String)
    Dim FileDates As New List(Of Date)

    Dim DocNo As String
    Dim rowCheck As String
    Dim ProjectNo As String = "1111"
    Dim FileNameCheck As String
    Dim str As String

    Dim k As Integer = 0 
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer

    Dim CorrectType As Boolean = False

    'The first loop grabs all files of the wanted format from a datagridview table containing all directories to be checked

    For Each rw In Background.Table1.Rows

        rowCheck = Background.Table1(0, k).Value
        If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(rowCheck) Then

        For Each file As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Background.Table1(0, k).Value)
            CorrectType = False
            FileNameCheck = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)
            If FileNameCheck.Contains(ProjectNo) AndAlso FileNameCheck.Contains("-") AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileNameCheck) AndAlso FileNameCheck.Contains(" ") Then
                DocNo = FileNameCheck.Substring(0, FileNameCheck.IndexOf(" "))
                If FileNameCheck.Substring(0, FileNameCheck.IndexOf("-")) = ProjectNo AndAlso CountLetters(DocNo) = 3 Then
                    CorrectType = True                                   
                End If
            End If
            If CorrectType = True Then
            End If

        End If

        k += 1


    'The next loop tidies up the file formats that contain a "-00-" in their names

     j = FileNames.Count
     i = 0
         str = FileNames(i)
         If str.Contains("-00-") Then                           
             FileNames(i) = RemoveChar(str, "-00-") ' RemoveChar is a function that replaces "-00-" with a "-"
         End If
         i += 1
     Loop Until i = j

     i = 0
     j = FileNames.Count

     'Finally, this loop checks that no two files have the exact same name, and gets rid of one of them if that is the case


         Dim st1 As String = FileNames(j - 1)
         Dim st2 As String = FileNames(j - 2)

         If st1 = st2 Then          
             FileNames.RemoveAt(j - 1)
             FileDates.RemoveAt(j - 1)
         End If
         j -=  1
     Loop Until j = 1

     End Sub

End Class

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


For Each rw循环不使用rw。您可以使用以下循环替换它:

For k = 1 to Background.Table1.Rows.Count
    ' Do things here
Next k

您指定了rowCheck并使用了一次,但您错过了在For Each file行重复使用它的机会。

如果您拥有CorrectType = True,则可以轻松放置相应的代码。

        If FileNameCheck.Substring(0, FileNameCheck.IndexOf("-")) = ProjectNo AndAlso CountLetters(DocNo) = 3 Then
            CorrectType = True                                   
        End If
    End If
    If CorrectType = True Then
    End If


        If FileNameCheck.Substring(0, FileNameCheck.IndexOf("-")) = ProjectNo AndAlso CountLetters(DocNo) = 3 Then
        End If


 j = FileNames.Count
 i = 0
     str = FileNames(i)
     If str.Contains("-00-") Then                           
         FileNames(i) = RemoveChar(str, "-00-") ' RemoveChar is a function that replaces "-00-" with a "-"
     End If
     i += 1
 Loop Until i = j


 for i = 1 to FileNames.Count
     str = FileNames(i)
     If str.Contains("-00-") Then                           
         FileNames(i) = RemoveChar(str, "-00-") ' RemoveChar is a function that replaces "-00-" with a "-"
     End If
 Next I

    i = 0
    j = FileNames.Count
 'Finally, this loop checks that no two files have the exact same name, and gets rid of one of them if that is the case


     Dim st1 As String = FileNames(j - 1)
     Dim st2 As String = FileNames(j - 2)

     If st1 = st2 Then          
         FileNames.RemoveAt(j - 1)
         FileDates.RemoveAt(j - 1)
     End If
     j -=  1
 Loop Until j = 1


 'Finally, this loop checks that no two files have the exact same name, and gets rid of one of them if that is the case

 For j = FileNames.Count - 1 to 1 Step -1 ' Check my counting here - stop at 1, 2 or 0?

     Dim st1 As String = FileNames(j)
     Dim st2 As String = FileNames(j - 1)

     If st1 = st2 Then          
     End If
 Next j