
时间:2018-02-26 10:04:11

标签: c# generics reflection



public interface IContainer<T>
    IEnumerable<T> SaveToCache(IEnumerable<T> models);

public class Container<T>
    IEnumerable<T> SaveToCache(IEnumerable<T> models);


public class Manager()
    public Manager()
        address = new Container<Address>(this);
        // more containers are constructed here...

    private static Container<Address> address;
    public static Container<Address> Address => address;

    // here are more properties of Type Container<T>


private void SaveItems(IEnumerable<object> items, string typeName)
    object container = typeof(Manager)
        .GetRuntimeProperty(typeName).GetValue(null, null);
    var t = Type.GetType($"MyNameSpace.Models.{typeName}");

    // variant A - doesn't work, but makes clear what I want to do
    (container as IContainer<t>).SaveToCache(items);

    // variant B - doesn't work either
    var saveMethod = container.GetType()
        .GetRuntimeMethod("SaveToCache", new Type[] { Type.GetType($"System.Collections.Generic.List`1[{t.FullName}]") })
        .MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { t });

    saveMethod.Invoke(container, new object[] { });


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


var saveMethod = container.GetType()
    .GetRuntimeMethod("SaveToCache", new Type[] { typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(t) })
    .Invoke (container, new object[] { items });


public interface IContainer
    IEnumerable SaveToCache(IEnumerable models);
public interface IContainer<T> : IContainer
    IEnumerable<T> SaveToCache(IEnumerable<T> models);


public class Container<T> : IContainer<T>
    public IEnumerable<T> SaveToCache(IEnumerable<T> models)
        return models;

    IEnumerable IContainer.SaveToCache(IEnumerable models)


var container = new Container<string>();
container.SaveToCache(new string[] { "" }); // The generic method is avaiable if we have an referecne to the class
container.SaveToCache(new int[] { 0 });// And this will be a compile time error as expected

IContainer icontainer = container;
icontainer.SaveToCache(new string[] { "" }); // The non genric method will be called 
icontainer.SaveToCache(new int[] { 0 });// And this will be a runtime time error