
时间:2018-03-03 12:22:19

标签: excel vba excel-vba



这些工作表中的某些指标值是整数,其他指标具有数据类型百分比。 如果度量标准表中的值具有数字格式%,例如格式为%的“10”,则使用当前代码将其视为0,1。我想将这些百分比乘以100,并在概览表中添加此数字。但是我很难找到如何提取数据类型,如果百分比,则乘以100,如果没有百分比,则按原样获取值。有人能帮忙吗?

非常感谢 -

Function HasSheet(fPath As String, fName As String, sheetName As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim f As String

f = "'" & fPath & "[" & fName & "]" & sheetName & "'!R1C1"

HasSheet = Not IsError(Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro(f))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    HasSheet = False
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Sub CollectMetrics()

Dim id As Integer
Dim Ind As String

Dim MetricName As String
Dim Include1 As String
Dim Include2 As String

Dim Segment As String
Dim file As String
Dim filepath As String
Dim filename As String
Dim s As Boolean

Dim D As Date
Dim MonthNbr As Integer

Set sh1 = Worksheets("Metrics")
Set sh2 = Worksheets("Metadata")

NumRows = sh1.Range("A1", sh1.Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

    For id = 2 To NumRows

        MetricName = sh1.Range("A" & id).Value
        Include1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(MetricName, sh2.Range("B2:L100"), 9, True)
        Include2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(MetricName, sh2.Range("B2:L100"), 10, True)
        Ind = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(MetricName, sh2.Range("B2:L100"), 2, True)
        filename = Ind & " " & MetricName & " 2018.xlsx"

        If Include1 = "auto" And Include2 = "yes" Then

                 Segment = sh1.Range("B" & id).Value

                 file = "='https://xxx/[" & filename & "]" & Segment
                 filepath = "https://xxx/"

                 s = HasSheet(filepath, filename, Segment)

                        If s Then

                             D = sh1.Range("C" & id).Value
                             MonthNbr = Month(D)

                             sh1.Range("D" & id).Value = file & "'!D" & (MonthNbr + 13)
                             sh1.Range("E" & id).Value = file & "'!E" & (MonthNbr + 13)
                             sh1.Range("F" & id).Value = file & "'!F" & (MonthNbr + 13)
                             sh1.Range("G" & id).Value = file & "'!G" & (MonthNbr + 13)
                             sh1.Range("J" & id).Value = file & "'!D" & (MonthNbr + 40)
                             sh1.Range("K" & id).Value = file & "'!E" & (MonthNbr + 40)
                             sh1.Range("L" & id).Value = file & "'!F" & (MonthNbr + 40)
                             sh1.Range("M" & id).Value = file & "'!G" & (MonthNbr + 40)
                             sh1.Range("O" & id).Value = "values updated on " & Format(Now(), "dd-mm-yy")
                             sh1.Range("O" & id).Value = "sheet available but segment missing"
                        End If
                ElseIf Include2 = "no" Then
                 sh1.Range("O" & id).Value = "metric set to not yet include"
                ElseIf Include1 = "manual" Then
                 sh1.Range("O" & id).Value = "metric to be manually updated"
             End If

MsgBox (" Update completed! ")
End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


在这种情况下,这不是一个大问题,创造良好习惯会更好。 (仅作为记录,10%被视为0,1的原因是因为 10% 0,1



Range("B1") = Range("A1") 'copies the value
Range("B1").NumberFormat = Range("A1") .NumberFormat 'copies the number format.


  • &#34;最干净的&#34;这样做的方法是使用一个名为copyNumber的小子并调整受影响的线以使用新程序。

  • 我整理了缩进 - 对于组织和可读性非常重要。

  • 我添加Option Explicit,这是一个好主意,在每个模块的开头都有,以帮助识别疏忽,例如......

  • sh1sh2未被声明为Worksheet,因此我为其添加了Dim条款 - 但将它们压缩到与其共享的一行上{ {1}} Set冒号的语句。

我所做的其他改变纯粹是装饰性的,更多的是一种推理,显然如果你不喜欢这些改变,就不要使用它们。 :-)

  • 我摆脱了: - 我不喜欢他们,因为缩进很重要。

  • 我使用With..End语句删除重复的代码(例如ElseIfSh1.

  • 我从&#34;页面&#34;中压缩了变量声明(Application.WorksheetFunction.语句)。分为3行。



答案 1 :(得分:0)


    Option Explicit

Function HasSheet(fPath As String, fName As String, sheetName As String)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim f As String
    f = "'" & fPath & "[" & fName & "]" & sheetName & "'!R1C1"
    HasSheet = Not IsError(Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro(f))
    If Err Then HasSheet = False
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Sub CollectMetrics()

    Dim MetricName As String, Segment As String, Ind As String, Include1 As String, Include2 As String, Include3 As String
    Dim file As String, filePath As String, fileName As String
    Dim MonthNbr As Integer, id As Integer, numRows As Integer

    Dim sh1 As Worksheet: Set sh1 = Worksheets("Metrics")
    Dim sh2 As Worksheet: Set sh2 = Worksheets("Metadata")
    With sh1
        numRows = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

        For id = 2 To numRows
            MetricName = Range("A" & id)
            With Application.WorksheetFunction
                Include1 = .VLookup(MetricName, sh2.Range("B2:L100"), 9, True)
                Include2 = .VLookup(MetricName, sh2.Range("B2:L100"), 10, True)
                Include3 = .VLookup(MetricName, sh2.Range("B2:L100"), 11, True)
                Ind = .VLookup(MetricName, sh2.Range("B2:L100"), 2, True)
            End With
            fileName = Ind & " " & MetricName & " 2018.xlsx"

            If Include1 = "auto" And Include2 = "yes" Then
                Segment = Range("B" & id)

                file = "='https://xxxx/[" & fileName & "]" & Segment
                filePath = "https://xxxx/"

                 If HasSheet(filePath, fileName, Segment) Then

                    MonthNbr = Month(Range("C" & id))

                    sh1.Range("D" & id).Value = file & "'!D" & (MonthNbr + 13)
                    sh1.Range("E" & id).Value = file & "'!E" & (MonthNbr + 13)
                    sh1.Range("F" & id).Value = file & "'!F" & (MonthNbr + 13)
                    sh1.Range("G" & id).Value = file & "'!G" & (MonthNbr + 13)

                    sh1.Range("H" & id).Value = file & "'!B" & (MonthNbr + 13) 'Actuals KPI Index
                        Select Case sh1.Range("H" & id).Value
                        Case "R"
                        sh1.Range("H" & id).Value = "3"
                        Case "Y"
                        sh1.Range("H" & id).Value = "2"
                        Case "G"
                        sh1.Range("H" & id).Value = "1"
                        End Select

                    sh1.Range("I" & id).Value = file & "'!D" & (MonthNbr + 40)
                    sh1.Range("J" & id).Value = file & "'!E" & (MonthNbr + 40)
                    sh1.Range("K" & id).Value = file & "'!F" & (MonthNbr + 40)
                    sh1.Range("L" & id).Value = file & "'!G" & (MonthNbr + 40)

                    sh1.Range("M" & id).Value = file & "'!B" & (MonthNbr + 13) 'YTD KPI Index
                        Select Case sh1.Range("M" & id).Value
                        Case "R"
                        sh1.Range("M" & id).Value = "3"
                        Case "Y"
                        sh1.Range("M" & id).Value = "2"
                        Case "G"
                        sh1.Range("M" & id).Value = "1"
                        End Select

                    Range("N" & id) = "Values updated on " & Format(Now(), "dd-mm-yy")

                    If Include3 = "%" Then              ' multiply with 100 for percentages

                    sh1.Range("D" & id).Value = (sh1.Range("D" & id).Value) * 100
                    sh1.Range("E" & id).Value = (sh1.Range("E" & id).Value) * 100
                    sh1.Range("F" & id).Value = (sh1.Range("F" & id).Value) * 100
                    sh1.Range("G" & id).Value = (sh1.Range("G" & id).Value) * 100
                    sh1.Range("I" & id).Value = (sh1.Range("I" & id).Value) * 100
                    sh1.Range("J" & id).Value = (sh1.Range("J" & id).Value) * 100
                    sh1.Range("K" & id).Value = (sh1.Range("K" & id).Value) * 100
                    sh1.Range("L" & id).Value = (sh1.Range("L" & id).Value) * 100

                    End If
                    Range("N" & id) = "Sheet available but segment missing"
                End If
                If Include2 = "no" Then
                    Range("N" & id) = "Metric set to not yet include"
                    If Include1 = "manual" Then Range("N" & id) = "Metric to be manually updated"
                End If
            End If
        Next id
   End With
    MsgBox "Update completed!"
End Sub