Active Directory:获取所有组成员

时间:2018-03-06 17:48:29

标签: c# sql-server active-directory ldap ldap-query



Group Name      Retrieval Method    Recursive Search    Count Members   Comment
Group1          AccountManagement   TRUE                505 
Group1          AccountManagement   FALSE               505 
Group1          DirectoryServices   N/A                 101 
Group2          AccountManagement   TRUE                440             Contains group name 'Group3'
Group2          AccountManagement   FALSE               440             Contains group name 'Group3'
Group2          DirectoryServices   N/A                 100             Contains group name 'Group3'
Group3          AccountManagement   TRUE                101             All Group3
Group3          AccountManagement   FALSE               2               All Group3
Group3          DirectoryServices   N/A                 2               1 user 1 group (Group2)




方法1和2 :使用private static List<Guid> GetGroupMemberList(string strPropertyValue, string strDomainController, bool bolRecursive) { List<Guid> listGroupMemberGuid = null; GroupPrincipal groupPrincipal = null; PrincipalSearchResult<Principal> listPrincipalSearchResult = null; List<Principal> listPrincipalNoNull = null; PrincipalContext principalContext = null; ContextType contextType; IdentityType identityType; try { listGroupMemberGuid = new List<Guid>(); contextType = ContextType.Domain; principalContext = new PrincipalContext(contextType, strDomainController); identityType = IdentityType.Guid; groupPrincipal = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(principalContext, identityType, strPropertyValue); if (groupPrincipal != null) { listPrincipalSearchResult = groupPrincipal.GetMembers(bolRecursive); listPrincipalNoNull = listPrincipalSearchResult.Where(item => item.Name != null).ToList(); foreach (Principal principal in listPrincipalNoNull) { listGroupMemberGuid.Add((Guid)principal.Guid); } } return listGroupMemberGuid; } catch (MultipleMatchesException) { throw new MultipleMatchesException(strPropertyValue); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { listGroupMemberGuid = null; listPrincipalSearchResult.Dispose(); principalContext.Dispose(); groupPrincipal.Dispose(); } } 获取小组成员,其中GetMembers()分别设置为true或false:


方法3 :使用private static List<string> GetGroupMemberList(string strPropertyValue, string strActiveDirectoryHost, int intActiveDirectoryPageSize) { List<string> listGroupMemberDn = new List<string>(); string strPath = strActiveDirectoryHost + "/<GUID=" + strPropertyValue + ">"; DirectoryEntry directoryEntryGroup; DirectoryEntry directoryEntryGroupMembers; DirectorySearcher directorySearcher; SearchResultCollection searchResultCollection; DataTypeConverter objConverter = null; objConverter = new DataTypeConverter(); try { directoryEntryGroup = new DirectoryEntry(strPath, null, null, AuthenticationTypes.Secure); directoryEntryGroup.RefreshCache(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } try { directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntryGroup) { //Filter = "(objectCategory=group)", // Group SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree, PageSize = intActiveDirectoryPageSize, }; directorySearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("objectGUID"); searchResultCollection = directorySearcher.FindAll(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } try { foreach (SearchResult searchResult in searchResultCollection) { directoryEntryGroupMembers = searchResult.GetDirectoryEntry(); foreach (object objGroupMember in directoryEntryGroupMembers.Properties["member"]) { listGroupMemberDn.Add((string)objGroupMember); } } return listGroupMemberDn; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { listGroupMemberDn = null; strPath = null; directoryEntryGroup.Dispose(); directoryEntryGroupMembers = null; directorySearcher.Dispose(); searchResultCollection.Dispose(); objConverter = null; } } 获取小组成员:

 private static List<string> GetGroupMemberList(string strPropertyValue, string strActiveDirectoryHost, int intActiveDirectoryPageSize)
        // Variable declaration(s).
        List<string> listGroupMemberDn = new List<string>();
        string strPath = strActiveDirectoryHost + "/<GUID=" + strPropertyValue + ">";
        string strMemberPropertyRange = null;
        DirectoryEntry directoryEntryGroup = null;
        DirectorySearcher directorySearcher = null;
        SearchResultCollection searchResultCollection = null;
        const int intIncrement = 1500;

        // Load the DirectoryEntry.
            // Setup a secure connection with Active Directory (AD) using Kerberos by setting the directoryEntry with AuthenticationTypes.Secure.
            directoryEntryGroup = new DirectoryEntry(strPath, null, null, AuthenticationTypes.Secure);

            // Load the property values for this DirectoryEntry object into the property cache.
        catch (Exception)
        { }

        #region Method1
        // Enumerate group members.
            // Check to see if the group has any members.
            if (directoryEntryGroup.Properties["member"].Count > 0)
                int intStart = 0;
                while (true)
                    // End of the range.
                    int intEnd = intStart + intIncrement - 1;

                    strMemberPropertyRange = string.Format("member;range={0}-{1}", intStart, intEnd);

                    directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntryGroup)
                        // Set the Filter criteria that is used to constrain the search within AD.
                        Filter = "(|(objectCategory=person)(objectCategory=computer)(objectCategory=group))", // User, Contact, Group, Computer objects

                        // Set the SearchScope for how the AD tree is searched (Default = Subtree).
                        SearchScope = SearchScope.Base,

                        // The PageSize value should be set equal to the PageSize that is set by the AD administrator (Default = 0).
                        PageSize = intActiveDirectoryPageSize,

                        PropertiesToLoad = { strMemberPropertyRange }

                        // Populate the searchResultCollection with all records within AD that match the Filter criteria.
                        searchResultCollection = directorySearcher.FindAll();

                        foreach (SearchResult searchResult in searchResultCollection)
                            var membersProperties = searchResult.Properties;

                            var membersPropertyNames = membersProperties.PropertyNames.OfType<string>().Where(n => n.StartsWith("member;"));

                            foreach (var propertyName in membersPropertyNames)
                                // Get all members from the ranged result.
                                var members = membersProperties[propertyName];

                                foreach (string memberDn in members)
                                    // Add the member's "distinguishedName" attribute value to the list.
                    catch (DirectoryServicesCOMException)
                        // When the start of the range exceeds the number of available results, an exception is thrown and we exit the loop.

                    // Increment for the next range.
                    intStart += intIncrement;

            // return the listGroupMemberDn;
            return listGroupMemberDn;

            // Cleanup objects.
            listGroupMemberDn = null;
            strPath = null;
            strMemberPropertyRange = null;

方法4 :(使用GetNextChunk()方法实现循环)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





foreach (var member in directoryEntryGroup.Properties["member"]) {
    //member is a string of the distinguishedName




这正是System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement的.NET核心实现所做的(我认为.NET 4.x也是如此 - 我只是看不到代码)。您可以在此处看到.NET Core代码用于执行此操作的特殊类(请参阅GetNextChunk方法):


catch (Exception ex)
    // Something went wrong. Throw an error.
    throw ex;

如果您要在不做任何其他事情的情况下重新抛出异常,请不要抓住它。重新抛出具有隐藏异常实际发生位置的效果,因为您的堆栈跟踪现在会说明异常发生在throw ex;,而不是告诉您发生异常的实际行。

即使是最后一个阻止版,也可以使用try / finally而不使用catch