Swift Parse MapView不显示CalloutAccessory和Segueing

时间:2018-03-07 02:17:05

标签: swift parse-platform mkmapview


let query = PFQuery(className: "location")

query.findObjectsInBackground { (objects, error) in

    if let brandsLocation = objects {

        for object in brandsLocation {

            if let brandLocation = object as? PFObject {

                let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()

                let annotationPoint = object["geoPoint"] as! PFGeoPoint

                annotation.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(annotationPoint.latitude, annotationPoint.longitude)

                annotation.title = brandLocation["annotationTitle"] as? String

                annotation.subtitle = brandLocation["annotationSubtitle"] as? String



// When user taps on the disclosure button you can perform a segue to navigate to another view controller
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, annotationView view: MKAnnotationView, 
                 calloutAccessoryControlTapped control: UIControl) {

    if control == view.rightCalloutAccessoryView{

        performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToUserProfile", sender: view)

        print(view.annotation?.title) // annotation's title

        print(view.annotation?.subtitle) // annotation's subttitle

        //Perform a segue here to navigate to another viewcontroller
        // On tapping the disclosure button you will get here

// Here we add disclosure button inside annotation window
func mapView(mapView: MKMapView!, viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation!) -> MKAnnotationView! {

    if annotation is MKUserLocation {
        //return nil
        return nil

    let reuseId = "pin"
    var pinView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: reuseId) as? MKPinAnnotationView

    if pinView == nil {
        //println("Pinview was nil")
        pinView = MKPinAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: reuseId)
        pinView!.canShowCallout = true
        pinView!.animatesDrop = true

    let button = UIButton(type: UIButtonType.detailDisclosure) as UIButton // button with info sign in it

    pinView?.rightCalloutAccessoryView = button

    return pinView

我希望在单击或双击注释时发生segue,然后在发送特定用户名信息时对该新视图控制器执行segue。我非常确定我能够发送用户信息,但我只需要弄清楚如何使segue发生。我认为这可能与我在calloutaccessory新的XCode更新中没有显示的事实有关。这是我应用的屏幕截图。 MapView Annotation

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func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, didSelect view: MKAnnotationView) {
    performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToUserProfile", sender: view)
    print(view.annotation?.title) // annotation's title
    print(view.annotation?.subtitle) // annotation's subttitle