如何让Dokka生成可部署的github wiki?

时间:2018-03-11 21:02:41

标签: kotlin kotlin-dokka

作为构建我的项目的一部分,我希望Dokka的maven插件构建一个markdown wiki,我可以将其部署到github而无需修改。我没有问题构建markdown,并通过intellij查看文档,但我希望直接在我的项目的github wiki中托管它。如果有人有任何想法如何做到这一点,那将是伟大的。


                <!-- Set to true to skip dokka task, default: false -->


                <!-- Default: ${project.basedir}/target/dokka -->

                <!-- Use default or set to custom path to cache directory to enable package-list caching. -->
                <!-- When set to default, caches stored in $USER_HOME/.cache/dokka -->

                <!-- List of '.md' files with package and module docs -->
                <!-- http://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/kotlin-doc.html#module-and-package-documentation -->

                <!-- Used for linking to JDK, default: 6 -->

                <!-- Do not output deprecated members, applies globally, can be overridden by packageOptions -->

                <!-- Emit warnings about not documented members, applies globally, also can be overridden by packageOptions -->
                <!-- Do not create index pages for empty packages -->

                <!-- See platforms section of documentation -->

                <!-- Short form list of sourceRoots, by default, set to ${project.compileSourceRoots} -->

                <!-- Specifies the location of the project source code on the Web. If provided, Dokka generates "source" links
                     for each declaration. -->
                        <!-- Source directory -->
                        <!-- URL showing where the source code can be accessed through the web browser -->
                        <!--Suffix which is used to append the line number to the URL. Use #L for GitHub -->

                <!-- No default documentation link to kotlin-stdlib -->

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jsonObject['list'][i]['anotherList'][j] = ...;
