
时间:2018-03-13 11:57:43

标签: c# asp.net-mvc


public static class ActionExtension
    public static string GetName(this Func<int, Object> funcPtr)
        return funcPtr.Method.Name;



Func<int, Object> mailClickActionName = EmailView;    // sinature is => public ActionResult EmailView(int id)
Func<int, int, Object> apiFunc = new MailsController().Trashes;    // sinature is => public SomeClass Trashes()

string ItemAnchorAddress = mailClickActionName.GetName();

问题是我有很多方法(具体的操作)具有不同数量的参数,并且可能不返回任何值。在 ActionExtension 类中,我有许多复制的方法,它们的实现是相同的,但它们的签名是不同的。完整的ActionExtension类在这里:

public static class ActionExtension
    // Num #1
    public static string GetName(this Func<int, Object> funcPtr)
        return funcPtr.Method.Name;
    public static string GetName(this Func<Object> funcPtr)
        // Exactly the same as #1
    public static string GetName(this Action<Object> funcPtr)
        // Exactly the same as #1
    public static string GetName(this Func<Object, Object, Object> funcPtr)
        // Exactly the same as #1

    // #2
    public static string GetNameWithController(this Func<int, Object> funcPtr)
        string controller = funcPtr.Target.GetType().Name;
        return controller.Substring(0, controller.LastIndexOf("Controller")) + "/" + funcPtr.Method.Name + "/";
    public static string GetNameWithController(this Func<int, int, Object> funcPtr)
        // Exactly the same as #2

    public static string GetNameWithController(this Func<Object> funcPtr)
        // Exactly the same as #2
    public static string GetNameWithController(this Func<Object, Object> funcPtr)
        // Exactly the same as #2
    public static string GetNameWithController(this Action<Object> funcPtr)
        // Exactly the same as #2

    public static string GetNameWithController(this Func<Object, Object, Object> funcPtr)
        // Exactly the same as #2            


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


public static class Extensions {
    public static string GetName(this Delegate funcPtr) {
        return funcPtr.Method.Name;


static void Main() {
    Action test = Test;
    var name = test.GetName();
    name = ((Action<int>)Test2).GetName();            

public static void Test() {}
public static void Test2(int arg) { }