
时间:2018-03-13 13:34:08

标签: mysql sql join sas dataset


  • 我在每个表中有多少行
  • 其中有多少人加入
  • 将剩下多少取消加入

我确信必须有一些聪明而简单的方法来即时获取所有信息 - 无需创建和计算额外的标志/变量,也无需长时间查询。

如果 3个表,那么在加入两个以上的数据集时可以使用这样的解决方案也很棒 - 并且可以轻松计算下面图像中的 7组记录比较。

我目前正在从SAS查询,但我经常遇到与Oracle和MS SQL一样的问题 - 我正在寻找一些与dbms无关的解决方案。

enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


select in1, in2, in3, count(*) as numkeys, min(key) as key1, max(key) as key2
from (select key, sum(in1) as in1, sum(in2) as in2, sum(in3) as in3
      from ( (select key, count(*) as in1, 0 as in2, 0 as in3 from table1 group by key
             ) union all
             (select key, 0 as in1, count(*) as in2, 0 as in3 from table2 group by key
             ) union all
             (select key, 0 as in1, 0 as in2, count(*) as in3 from table3 group by key
            ) t123
      group by key
     ) k
group by in1, in2, in3;


答案 1 :(得分:1)

在SAS PROC SQL中工作时,最有用的选项之一是verbose。例如:

%macro create_data(num, min, max);
  /* Creates sample datasets */
  DATA have&num.;
      do i=&min. to &max.;
          ID = i; OUTPUT;
      end; DROP i;
%mend create_data;


PROC SQL verbose;
    /* Sample join */
    CREATE table want as
        SELECT have1.ID as ID1, have2.ID as ID2, have3.ID as ID3
        FROM have1
        FULL JOIN have2
            on have1.ID=have2.ID
        RIGHT JOIN have3
            on have3.ID=have1.ID;


Data Set WORK.HAVE1 is num=1 and tag=0001. NOBS=10, lrecl=8.
Data Set WORK.HAVE2 is num=2 and tag=0002. NOBS=11, lrecl=8.
Data Set WORK.HAVE3 is num=3 and tag=0004. NOBS=92, lrecl=8.
NOTE: Table WORK.WANT created, with 92 rows and 3 columns.



* how many rows I have in total in each of tables ;
SELECT count(*) from have1;
SELECT count(*) from have2;
SELECT count(*) from have3;
* how many of them are joined ;
SELECT count(*) from want;
* how many will be left unjoined ;
SELECT count(*) from want where missing(ID1) or missing(ID2) or missing(ID3);

如果不了解具体细节,很难给你额外的建议。 SQL没有标准解决方案的部分原因是不同类型的连接本质上彼此差异很大。
