
时间:2018-03-20 10:25:10

标签: c# linq nhibernate fluent-nhibernate


var x = xId.HasValue ? _xRepository.Get(xId) : null;
var result = _yRepository.Find()
.Where(y=> x == null || x.Ys.Contains(y)).ToArray();

NHibernate在这一行.Where(y=> x == null || x.Ys.Contains(y))中断,执行所有条件,如果x的值等于null,它就不会在第一个条件上停止。


1 个答案:

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在这种情况下,我们可以在创建SQL之前评估using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Assertions; public class InteractObject : MonoBehaviour { public Material radiusMaterial; public Camera cam; //cam the raycast comes from public bool clicked; //if an object is clicked private PlayerInventory inventory; //Get the players inventory. private bool planting; //To prevent currentObject from changing while planting. //For interactable zone and editor [Range(0, 50)] public float viewRadius; //The radius of the circle that determines the interactable zone [Range(0, 360)] public float viewAngle; //The angle between the lines, determining the interactable zone public LayerMask interactable; //The layerMask we want the code to care about public List<Collider> interactableObjects = new List<Collider>(); //A list of all interactable objects in range public GameObject closestObject; //Holds the interactable object closest to the character, if any are in range [SerializeField] private GameObject currentObject; //The object the mouse hovers over. public GameObject mainManager; //Need to access the main manager private Animator animController; private HighlightObject tempHighlight; private HighlightObject.Type oldStatus; /// <summary> /// Get all the components needed from scratch /// </summary> void Awake() { cam = Camera.main; mainManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Manager"); inventory = GetComponent<PlayerInventory>(); animController = GetComponent<Animator>(); //FIX HERE, TILEPLANT BASED } void Update() { if (!planting) //Won't change currentObject if the player is planting. Prevents the radius from changing its object. FindInteractableObjects(); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { UseTool(); //Uses current held tool } if (currentObject != null) { radiusMaterial.SetVector("_Center", currentObject.transform.position); //The coordinates of the radius center on the ground for the shader. SetRadius(); //Sets the radius according to plant and plant type. } else HideRadius(); //Sets the radius width to 0 so its invisible. } /// <summary> /// Finds all interactable objects within the interactable area of the player. This area is restricted by the /// viewRadius and viewAngle variables, and is visible in the unity editor. /// It then saves these interactable objects in a list that can be accessed throughout the script. /// </summary> void FindInteractableObjects() { interactableObjects.Clear(); //Clears the list Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); //Shoots a ray to the center of the screen from the camera. RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, 15); //Saves all the objects the ray hits in a list Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * 30f, Color.blue); //Shows a ray in the editor window foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits) //checks if the hit is a plant { if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Plant")) { currentObject = hit.collider.gameObject; //Sets current object to a hit. SetRadius(); //Sets the radius of the effects of the plant break; } } #region Highlight object if ((tempHighlight != null) && (tempHighlight.gameObject != currentObject)) //Sets the highlight of the object on change. { tempHighlight.SetMaterial(oldStatus); //Sets the old current objects status to what it was. tempHighlight = currentObject.GetComponent<HighlightObject>(); //Sets th to the newly selected object. oldStatus = tempHighlight.getStatus(); //Gets the status to change back to when changing the plant. if (oldStatus == HighlightObject.Type.Highlight) //This is not allowed. oldStatus = HighlightObject.Type.Normal; tempHighlight.SetMaterial(HighlightObject.Type.Highlight); //Highlights the newly currentObject. } else if (tempHighlight == null && currentObject != null) //Highlights the objects. { tempHighlight = currentObject.GetComponent<HighlightObject>(); //sets the currentObject. oldStatus = tempHighlight.getStatus(); //Saves the old status to change back to tempHighlight.SetMaterial(HighlightObject.Type.Highlight); //Highlights the currentObject. } #endregion //closestObject = null; Collider[] interactableObjectsInRange = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, viewRadius, interactable); //KAYERS EXPLAIN foreach (Collider value in interactableObjectsInRange) { Vector3 dirToTarget = value.transform.position - transform.position; if (Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, dirToTarget) < viewAngle / 2) interactableObjects.Add(value); if (value.CompareTag("Seed")) //Picks up a seed { Seed.Type _seedtype = value.GetComponent<Seed>().seedType; inventory.AddToInventory(_seedtype, 1); //Adds the relevant seed to the inventory Destroy(value.gameObject); } else if (value.CompareTag("Collectable")) //Picks up a collectable like Fruit { Sellables item = value.GetComponent<Sellables>(); inventory.AddToInventory(item, 1); //Adds collectable to the inventory. Destroy(value.gameObject); } } } private void UseTool() { switch (inventory.currentTool) { case PlayerInventory.Tool.Free: planting = true; GetComponent<ObjectPlacement>().SetObject(inventory.GetSelectedSeed()); //Plants a plant with current selected seed //GetComponent<ObjectPlacement>().MouseClicked(); //Delay on the mouseclick to prevent accidently fast plantig. break; case PlayerInventory.Tool.Shovel: planting = false; HideRadius(); //Hides the material radius. if (currentObject != null && currentObject.CompareTag("Plant")) { BasePlant SelecetedPlant = currentObject.GetComponent<BasePlant>(); //Makes code prettier if (SelecetedPlant.fullgrown) SelecetedPlant.HarvestPlant(1); //Plant drop two seeds since it is fullgrown. else { SelecetedPlant.killPlant(1); //Plants disseappear inventory.AddToInventory(SelecetedPlant.GetPlantType(), 1); //Drops one seed } animController.SetTrigger("Harvesting"); tempHighlight = null; //Removes gameobject to prevent bugs currentObject = null; // Ditto } break; case PlayerInventory.Tool.Watercan: { animController.SetTrigger("Watering"); if (interactableObjects != null) { foreach (Collider col in interactableObjects) //Go through the interactable list and and waters the plants. { if (col.CompareTag("Plant")) { col.gameObject.GetComponent<BasePlant>().WaterPlant(); //Waters the Plant. } } } HideRadius(); break; } default: break; } } //Adds a seed that is picked up to the inventory. private void PickUpSeed(Seed.Type sendIn) { inventory.AddToInventory(sendIn, 1); } /// <summary> /// Sets the radius for the plants area of effect /// </summary> private void SetRadius() { Seed.Type sType = currentObject.GetComponent<Seed>().GetSeedType(); //To get the right plant float _radius = 0; //If the plant does not have a radius it won't be seen. Color color = Color.blue; //Waterplants natural color since local variables need to be set to something. bool radiusPlant = true; //True if the selected plant have a radius. switch (sType) //Sets the type of the radius { case Seed.Type.Shield: radiusMaterial.SetFloat("_RadiusWidth", 0.2f); _radius = currentObject.GetComponent<ShieldPlant>().radius; //Gets the plants radius. color = Color.magenta; break; case Seed.Type.Water: radiusMaterial.SetFloat("_RadiusWidth", 0.2f); _radius = currentObject.GetComponent<WaterPlant>().radius; break; case Seed.Type.Light: radiusMaterial.SetFloat("_RadiusWidth", 0.2f); _radius = currentObject.GetComponent<LightPlant>().radius; color = Color.yellow; break; default: radiusMaterial.SetFloat("_RadiusWidth", 0); radiusPlant = false; break; } if(radiusPlant) { radiusMaterial.SetColor("_RadiusColor", color); radiusMaterial.SetFloat("_Radius", _radius); } } //Hides the circle private void HideRadius() { radiusMaterial.SetFloat("_RadiusWidth", 0); } //Sets the planting mode from a differente script : ObjectPlacement public void SetPlanting(bool set) { planting = set; } //Sets current object from another script : ObjectPlacement public void SetCurrentObject(GameObject setObject) { currentObject = setObject; } } ,例如:





var toFilter = _yRepository.Find();

// should we handle x at all?
if (x != null)
    toFilter = toFilter.Where(y => x.ys.Contains(y));

var emailAddresses = toFilter.ToArray();