EF Core 2: Database first with many-to-many (linking table)

时间:2018-03-22 23:40:45

标签: asp.net-core entity-framework-core ef-database-first ef-core-2.0

I have many-to-many relationship between Projects and Models in my database

Relationship diagram

I am using this command to generate the .cs models:

Scaffold-DbContext "my connection string here" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir EFModels -Force -Context EFEntities -Tables Projects, Projects_Models, Models

In EF6, this would create Project.Models and Model.Projects properties, without mapping the Projects_Models table into its own class.

But in this case (EF Core), it created a ProjectsModel class, and Project.ProjectsModels and Model.ProjectsModels properties instead.

How can you make it behave like it was in EF6?

1 个答案:

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目前无法在EF Core中执行此操作,因为尚未添加该功能。来自the docs


