Blockchain currency on disconnected nodes

时间:2018-03-25 19:12:14

标签: blockchain

Good afternoon! I have a conceptual question regarding maintaining blockchain currency on disconnected nodes...

What happens to transaction currency (as in, the blockchain kept current) in situations where (for example) a large network is disconnected from the public network for an extended period of time (or blocked)? Let's use the example of a country disconnecting itself from the public internet (for all intents and purposes; yes I know that's almost impossible but go with me), but business utilizing blockchain transactions still continues inside the country.

How is blockchain currency (re)established once that country (network of nodes) is reconnected to the public network? Are transactions verified/sync'd with the public network based on a verifiable transaction time, or what?

Thanks! Steve

1 个答案:

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  • 在较大网络中实现的交易将被标记为正确
  • 在较小的网络中实现的交易将被标记为无效并将被忽略


