Why do I need prototype here?

时间:2018-03-25 19:42:16

标签: javascript prototype

can someone explain what's the difference between this:

function Employee() {
  this.name = "serj";


function Manager() {
  this.dept = "general";

var jim = new Manager;
console.log(jim.name); //serj

And this:

function Employee() {
  this.name = "serj";

Manager.prototype = Object.create(Employee.prototype);

function Manager() {
  this.dept = "general";

var jim = new Manager;
console.log(jim.name); //serj

So the question is why should I create a prototype?If manager calls employee and all works fine?

1 个答案:

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Calling the constructor function for Employee will run all the code that is inside that function. It won't perform all the side effects (i.e. creating a new object, assigning it to this and making it an instance of Employee … and you wouldn't want it to because you want it to be an instance of Manager).