火星MIPS 3x3矩阵乘法。

时间:2018-04-02 04:09:34

标签: c mips


for(int i = 0; i < DIM; i++){       /* Row counter */
    for(int j = 0; j < DIM; j++){      /* Column counter */
      ri = i * DIM + j;                /* Calculate R index */
      r[ri] = 0;                       /* Initialize the entry to zero */
      for (int k = 0; k < DIM; k++){   /* Now perform the inner product */
        ai = i * DIM + k;              /* Calculate the A index */
        bi = k * DIM + j;              /* Calculate the B index */
        r[ri] = r[ri] + a[ai] * b[bi]; /* In the lab I used r[ri] += a[ai] * b[bi] */


fork之前我需要将条目初始化为零,就像在C代码中一样:r[ri] = 0;但我不知道如何,我尝试使用la $t4, $zero但它不起作用。它说&#34;操作数太少或格式不正确&#34;。

        .text               # Indicate that everything below is code
        .globl  main            # The entry point is called main

main:   la      $t0, DIMSQ      # Load the address of DIM*DIM
        lbu     $t0, 0($t0)     # Load the value of [DIM*DIM], re-use $t0
        la      $t1, DIM        # Load the address of DIM
        lbu     $t1, 0($t1)     # Load the value of [DIM], re-use $t1

# Capture the first matrix element by element

        la      $a0, msg1       # Load the string address
        la      $a1, MATA    # Load the address of A[0]
        add     $a2, $a1, $t0   # Check dimension + base address
        jal     input           # Call the capture subroutine

# Capture the second matrix element by element

        la      $a0, msg2       # Load the string address
        la      $a1, MATB       # Load the address of B[0]
        add     $a2, $a1, $t0   # Check dimension + base address
        jal     input           # Call the capture subroutine

# Perform the sum of Matrix A * Matrix B

            xor     $t2, $t2, $t2   # i = 0
   fori:    xor     $t3, $t3, $t3   # j = 0
   forj:    mul     $t4, $t1, $t3   # temp = DIM * j
            add     $t4, $t4, $t2   # temp = j * DIM + i
   fork:    xor     $t9, $t9, $t9   # k = 0
            la      $t5, MATA    # Load the address of A[0]
            add     $t5, $t5, $t4   # temp += Address of A[0]
            lbu     $t6, 0($t5)  # Load A[temp]
            lbu     $t7, 9($t5)      # Load B[temp]
            mul     $t6, $t2, $t1
            add     $t6, $t6, $t9
            mul     $t7, $t9, $t1
            add     $t7, $t7, $t3 
            mul      $t6, $t6, $t7  # C[temp] = A[temp] * B[temp]
            sb      $t6, 18($t5)    # Store C[temp]
            addi    $t3, $t3, 1     # j++
            bne     $t3, $t1, forj  # j < DIM? goto forj
            addi    $t2, $t2, 1     # i++
            bne     $t2, $t1, fori  # i < DIM? goto fori
            addi    $t9, $t9, 1
            bne $t9, $t9, fork 

# Now display the result

        la      $t1, MATC   # Load the address of C[0]
        add     $t2, $t0, $t1   # Add dimension to the base address

out:    li      $v0,4           # mesg1 asking for Matrix B element
        la      $a0, msg3

        lbu     $a0, 0($t1)     # load the result
        li      $v0,1           # system call that prints an integer

        li      $v0,4           # prints a '\n'
        la      $a0, cr

        addi    $t1, $t1, 1     # increment index pointer
        bne     $t2, $t1, out   # i < DIM?

        li      $v0,10          # system call 10, exit

input:  move    $s0, $a0        # Store the address of the original string
        li      $v0,4           # Call the print string system call
        syscall                 # $a0 is already loaded

        li      $v0,5           # system call that reads an integer

        bgtz    $v0, validA     # check if the input is greater than zero

        li      $v0,4           #let user know something was not OK
        la      $a0, error

        move    $a0, $s0        # restore the original string
        j       input           # not valid ask for the number again

        sb      $v0, 0($a1)     # store value for matrix A
        addi    $a1, $a1, 1     # increment index pointer
        bne     $a2, $a1, input

        jr      $ra             # return to the caller

# These are the space allocations for the three matrices (9 elements each)
# and their dimensions (3 x 3)
MATA:   .space 9
MATB:   .space 9
MATC:   .space 9
DIMSQ:  .byte 09
DIM:    .byte 03

msg1:   .asciiz "Enter Matrix A element (positive number):  "
msg2:   .asciiz "Enter Matrix B element (positive number):  "
msg3:   .asciiz "Result element:  "
error:  .asciiz "Error, the number must be positive\n"
cr:     .asciiz "\n"

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