
时间:2018-04-05 13:29:06

标签: location netlogo shortest-path path-finding

我试图将我的公民从一个节点(滑动)移动到计算最短路径的另一个节点(新位置)。 我只能使用new-location的set total-expected-path [distance [slocation]]来计算从滑点到新位置的距离。


如何在总预期路径中将此距离计算定义为使用节点之间的链接连接的节点之间的最小值? 之后,我怎样才能沿着这条短路移动海龟?enter image description here     去     设置计时     问市民     [找到天的活动]     端

to set-timekeeper
let counter ticks 
if (counter = 2) 
[set timekeeper 2]

to find-day-activities
if (timekeeper = 2) 

to Do_7AM_9AM
if (sex = 0 and age = 1 and employment = 0 and household-size = 0 [move-work]

to move-work
to move-work
set slocation min-one-of nodes [distance myself]
let new-location min-one-of nodes [distance one-of workbuildings]
let llocation one-of [link-neighbors with-min [link-length]] of new-location
move-to llocation

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


extensions [nw]
breed [ nodes node ]
breed [ walkers walker ]
links-own [ weight ]


to setup-example
  let xs [ 10 -5 -5 -5 -5 2 ]
  let ys [ 0 0 3 6 9 9 ]
  ( foreach xs ys [
    [ x y ] ->
    ask patch x y [
      sprout-nodes 1 [
        set shape "circle"
        set color white
        set size 2.5
  let ind ( range 0 4 )
  foreach ind [
    i ->
    let x item i xs
    let y item i ys
    let xn item ( i + 1 ) xs
    let yn item ( i + 1 ) ys
    ask nodes-on patch x y [
      create-links-with nodes-on patch xn yn
  while [ any? nodes with [ count my-links < 2 ] ] [
    ask one-of nodes with [ count my-links < 2 ] [
      let linkable min-one-of other nodes with [ count my-links < 2 ] [distance myself]
      if linkable != nobody [
        create-link-with linkable
  ask nodes-on patch -5 0 [ set color green ]
  ask nodes-on patch 2 9 [ set color red ]  

这会创建一个循环网络 - 假装绿色是起始节点而红色是目的地。

enter image description here


to fewest-links
  let start one-of nodes-on patch -5 0
  let target one-of nodes-on patch 2 9

  let path nobody 
  ask start [
    set color green
    set path but-first nw:turtles-on-path-to target
    ask turtle-set path [ set color yellow ]
    ask target [ set color red ]

enter image description here


to shortest-distance
  let start one-of nodes-on patch -5 0
  let target one-of nodes-on patch 2 9
  ask links [ 
    set weight link-length
  let path nobody 
  ask start [
    set color green
    set path but-first nw:turtles-on-weighted-path-to target weight
    ask turtle-set path [ set color yellow ]
    ask target [ set color red ]

enter image description here


to setup
  create-nodes 10 [ 
    set shape "circle" 
    set color white 
    set size 2.5
  layout-circle nodes 10
  while [ any? nodes with [ count my-links < 2 ] ] [
    ask one-of nodes with [ count my-links < 2 ] [
      let linkable min-one-of other nodes with [ count my-links < 2 ] [distance myself]
      if linkable != nobody [
        create-link-with linkable
  ask one-of nodes [ 
   set color green + 1
   hatch-walkers 1 [
      set color blue
      set size 1.5


to go
  ask walkers [
    ; Randomly choose a target node to walk to
    let target one-of nodes with [ color = white ]
    if target != nobody [
      ; Remember the starting node
      let current one-of nodes-here 
      ; Define a path variable from the current node- take all but
      ; the first item (as first item is current node)
      let path nobody
      ask links [ set weight link-length ]
      ask current [ 
        set path but-first nw:turtles-on-weighted-path-to target weight
      ; Indicate the end node
      ask last path [ 
        set color red
        set size 2.5
      ; Move along the path node-to-node 
      foreach path [
        next-target ->
        face next-target
        move-to next-target
        wait 0.25
        ask next-target [
        set color yellow
    wait 1
    ; Reset
    ask nodes [ set color white ]
    ask one-of nodes-here [ set color green ]

enter image description here