quanteda kwic提取数字后跟百分比

时间:2018-04-11 00:26:11

标签: r regex quanteda

我有一些文字,其中包含包含数字的短语,后跟一些符号。我想提取它们,例如,数字后跟百分比。使用quanteda包中的kwic函数似乎可以将数字用作正则表达式(例如"\\d{1,}")。 尽管如此,我还是没有找到如何使用quanteda提取它,然后是百分号。 以下文本可以作为文本示例:


187例患者中有13例(7%)在ICU-1中获得艰难梭菌,9例(36%)   在ICU-2中有25例,在BU中有51例患者中有3例(5.9%)。八(32%)   发生腹泻仅归因于艰难梭菌和/或毒素,   剩下的17个(68%)是无症状的:没有   假膜性结肠炎。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


s <- c("Thirteen (7%) of 187 patients acquired C. difficile in ICU-1, 9 (36%) of 25 on ICU-2 and 3 (5.9%) of 51 patients in BU. Eight (32%) developed diarrhoea attributable only to C. difficile and/ or toxin, and the remaining 17 (68%) were asymptomat- ic: none had pseudomembranous colitis.")

kwic(s, phrase("\\d+ %"), valuetype = "regex")


答案 1 :(得分:2)

原因是当您直接在语料库或角色对象上调用kwic()时,它会在关键字在上下文分析之前将一些参数传递给tokens(),这些参数会影响标记化的发生方式。 (这在...中的?kwic参数中有记录。)

quanteda 中的默认令牌化使用 stringi 字边界定义,以便:

tokens("Thirteen (7%) of 187")
# tokens from 1 document.
# text1 :
# [1] "Thirteen" "("        "7"        "%"        ")"        "of"       "187" 


tokens("Thirteen (7%) of 187", what = "fasterword")
# tokens from 1 document.
# text1 :
# [1] "Thirteen" "(7%)"     "of"       "187" 


kwic(s, "\\d+%", valuetype = "regex", what = "fasterword")

#  [text1, 2]                    Thirteen |  (7%)  | of 187 patients acquired C.             
# [text1, 12]    C. difficile in ICU-1, 9 | (36%)  | of 25 on ICU-2 and                      
# [text1, 19]           25 on ICU-2 and 3 | (5.9%) | of 51 patients in BU.                   
# [text1, 26]    51 patients in BU. Eight | (32%)  | developed diarrhoea attributable only to
# [text1, 41] toxin, and the remaining 17 | (68%)  | were asymptomat- ic: none had  


kwic(s, phrase("\\d+ %"), valuetype = "regex")

#   [text1, 3:4]             Thirteen( |  7 %  | ) of 187 patients acquired             
# [text1, 18:19]          in ICU-1, 9( | 36 %  | ) of 25 on ICU-2                       
# [text1, 28:29]       on ICU-2 and 3( | 5.9 % | ) of 51 patients in                    
# [text1, 39:40]         in BU. Eight( | 32 %  | ) developed diarrhoea attributable only
# [text1, 60:61] and the remaining 17( | 68 %  | ) were asymptomat- ic  

