C ++移动分配可防止复制交换习惯用法

时间:2018-04-12 12:13:39

标签: c++ c++11 move-semantics

在C ++中,copy-swap惯用法通常是这样实现的:

C& operator=(C rhs)
    swap(*this, rhs);
    return *this;


C& operator=(C&& rhs)
    swap(*this, rhs);
    return *this;




#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <new>

using namespace std;

bool printOutput = false;

void* operator new(std::size_t sz)
    if (printOutput)
        cout << "sz = " << sz << endl;

    return std::malloc(sz);

class C
    int* data;


    C() : data(nullptr)
        if (printOutput)
            cout << "C() called" << endl;

    C(int data) : data(new int)
        if (printOutput)
            cout << "C(data) called" << endl;

        *(this->data) = data;

    C(const C& rhs) : data(new int)
        if (printOutput)
            cout << "C(&rhs) called" << endl;

        *data = *(rhs.data);

    C(C&& rhs) : C()
        if (printOutput)
            cout << "C(&&rhs) called" << endl;

        swap(*this, rhs);

    C& operator=(C rhs)
        if (printOutput)
            cout << "operator= called" << endl;

        swap(*this, rhs);

        return *this;

    C operator+(const C& rhs)
        C result(*data + *(rhs.data));

        return result;

    friend void swap(C& lhs, C& rhs);

        delete data;

void swap(C& lhs, C& rhs)
    std::swap(lhs.data, rhs.data);

int main()
    C c1(7);
    C c2;

    printOutput = true;

    c2 = c1 + c1;

    return 0;

我使用-fno-elide-constructors选项用g ++编译了这个,因为我想看到无优化行为。结果如下:

sz = 4
C(data) called   // (due to the declaration of result)
C() called       // (called from the rvalue copy-constructor)
C(&&rhs) called  // (called due to copy to return temporary)
C() called       // (called from the rvalue copy-constructor)
C(&&rhs) called  // (called due to pass-by-value in the assignment operator)
operator= called


C& operator=(const C& rhs)
    if (printOutput)
        cout << "operator=(const C&) called" << endl;

    if (this != &rhs)
        delete data;

        data = new int;
        *data = *(rhs.data);

    return *this;


C& operator=(C&& rhs)
    if (printOutput)
        cout << "operator=(C&&) called" << endl;

    swap(*this, rhs);

    return *this;


sz = 4
C(data) called        // (due to the declaration of result)
C() called            // (called from the rvalue copy-constructor)
C(&&rhs) called       // (called due to copy to return temporary)
operator=(C&&) called // (move-assignment)



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


class Foo
   explicit Foo(Bar bar)
       : bar(bar)
    { }

    Foo(const Foo& other)
        : bar(other.bar)
    { }

    Foo(Foo&& other)
        : bar(other.bar)
    { }

    // other will be initialized using the move constructor if the actual
    // argument in the assignment statement is an rvalue
    Foo& operator=(Foo other)
        std::swap(bar, other.bar);
        return *this;

答案 1 :(得分:4)


C& operator=(C rhs) noexcept;


C& operator=(const C& rhs);
C& operator=(C&& rhs) noexcept;

C& operator=(C rhs) noexcept;执行复制或移动分配取决于rhs的构造方式。例如,

a = std::move(b); // rhs is move-constructed from r-value std::move(b), and thus move-assignment
c = d;            // rhs is copy-constructed from l-value d, and thus copy-assignment