android binder驱动程序实现

时间:2018-04-13 09:06:42

标签: android linux-device-driver android-binder

我正在学习活页夹驱动程序。它有一个结构sed '2,3{s/$/ 0 0 0/}' file 用于保存线程信息。我发现它使用binder_thread分配的binder_thread.pid来区分彼此。例如,在current->pid方法中,该字段用于判断当前线程是否已添加到树中。


但据我所知,static struct binder_thread *binder_get_thread(struct binder_proc *proc) { struct binder_thread *thread = NULL; struct rb_node *parent = NULL; struct rb_node **p = &proc->threads.rb_node; while (*p) { parent = *p; thread = rb_entry(parent, struct binder_thread, rb_node); if (current->pid < thread->pid) p = &(*p)->rb_left; else if (current->pid > thread->pid) p = &(*p)->rb_right; else break; } ..... } 是当前的进程ID,它如何用于区分线程?

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如果您感兴趣,来自这个SO问题的paxdiablo的答案更详细地解释了线程/进程ID: If threads share the same PID, how can they be identified?
