VSTS CI - 如何触发单个项目的构建

时间:2018-04-19 18:44:24

标签: tfs azure-devops tfsbuild

我正在使用Visual Studio Team Services构建定义触发器。我正在尝试为我的分支上的一个项目设置持续集成和交付(但不是包含许多项目的整个分支)。这将帮助我构建和发布个人微服务(当合同没有改变时......)。

我在这里或官方文档中找不到答案: Build definition triggers


enter image description here

任何指导将不胜感激。 Tnx提前

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



Root repo
    |___ project1
            |___ ...
    |___ project2
            |___ ...
    |___ project3
            |___ ...
    |___ project.sln


enter image description here


答案 1 :(得分:1)

First, you have to specify the CI option and enable it. Enabling the "Batch changes while a build is in progress" is optional.

enter image description here

Add the branches you want to "Branch filters".

Then add the "Include" and the list of paths that you want to trigger the build.

Since you added to exclude all in your configurations (as in your question), the build cannot include the other directory.

You also don't need to specify the "*" in the path.
