
时间:2018-04-20 16:01:33

标签: unit-testing tdd



/* Verifies email address (just for illustration, not robust code) */
bool VerifyEmail(String email){
      return Regex.Match(email, "^\w+@\w+\.com$");


/* Again, not robust, just for illustration */
void TestVerifyEmail(){
    Dictionary<String, bool> testCases = new Dictionary<String, bool>(
        {"fake@fake.com", true},
        {"fake@!!!.com", false},
        {"@fake.com", false},
        {"fake@fake.cme", false}

    forEach(String test in testCases.Keys()){
        Test.Assert(VerifyEmail(test) == testCases[test]);




我在最初创建代码时完全可以编写单元测试,以确保它以您想要的方式工作,例如在TDD 中,但是一旦完成了,那么运行它的重点是什么稍后再试?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

It may help to keep in mind that there are two common definitions of "unit test". Both share the constraints that tests should be fast, deterministic, isolated from each other.

There is a school that adds an additional constraint that the system under test should be isolated from all other collaborators in the system. But that definition isn't universal -- it's normal in the "Chicago Style" for the system under test to be a composite made from many different parts.

Martin Fowler:

As xunit testing became more popular in the 2000's the notion of solitary tests came back, at least for some people. We saw the rise of Mock Objects and frameworks to support mocking. Two schools of xunit testing developed, which I call the classic and mockist styles. One of the differences between the two styles is that mockists insist upon solitary unit tests, while classicists prefer sociable tests.

When private implementation details of the system under test can be refactored into separate parts, it becomes less cost effective to track which tests are dependent on which fragments of production code.

Furthermore, you are regularly going to be running some unit tests; at a minimum, after each refactoring you should be checking that you didn't introduce a regression, so you should be running all of the tests that depend on the code you just changed.

BUT, we're talking about tests that are fast and isolated from one another. Given that you are already taking a moment to run some tests, the marginal costs of running "more" tests are pretty small.

Of course, small isn't zero; I believe that in most cases developers use a weighting strategy to determine how often a tests needs to be run; run the tests that are likely to detect a problem more of than those that aren't likely to detect a problem, conditioned on what part of the code base you are actively working on.