
时间:2018-04-23 21:44:34

标签: vba ms-access access-vba

我想要一些帮助...... 我有一个来自访问的子,我在某个文件夹中读取了.gif扩展名的所有文件,并想知道如何继续插入访问表中读取的所有名称,我在下面编写了代码,但它不是工作......你能帮助我吗?

Sub realAllFiles ()

Dim varFile As Variant
Dim CustomerFolder As String
Dim fDialog As FileDialog, result As Integer
Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

With fDialog

.AllowMultiSelect = True
.Title = "Upload | Selecione a pasta de imagens capturadas..."
.Filters.Add "All files", "*.gif*"
.InitialFileName = "H:\Gestao de Dados Processamento\FAP\Baixa de Pendencia DUT\Novo Fluxo"

If .Show = True Then
      For Each varFile In .SelectedItems
         CustomerFile = varFile
      Else: Exit Sub
   End If
End With

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "MyTable", CustomerFile, False

End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




PARAMETERS [prmFileName] Text (255);
INSERT INTO T ( FieldName )  '<- Change to the actual table and field names
SELECT [prmFileName] As _FileName;


Sub realAllFiles()

    Dim varFile As Variant
    Dim CustomerFolder As String
    Dim fDialog As FileDialog, result As Integer
    Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

    With fDialog
        .AllowMultiSelect = True
        .Title = "Upload | Selecione a pasta de imagens capturadas..."
        .Filters.Add "All files", "*.gif*"
        .InitialFileName = "H:\Gestao de Dados Processamento\FAP\Baixa de Pendencia DUT\Novo Fluxo"
    End With

    If fDialog.Show = True Then
        For Each varFile In fDialog.SelectedItems
            With CurrentDb().QueryDefs("ImportQueryName") '<- change to the above query's name
                .Parameters("[prmFileName]").Value = varFile
                .Execute dbFailOnError
            End With
    End If
End Sub


Sub realAllFiles()

    Dim varFile As Variant
    Dim CustomerFolder As String
    Dim fDialog As FileDialog, result As Integer
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

    Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    Set rs = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("TableName") '<- change to the actual table name

    With fDialog
        .AllowMultiSelect = True
        .Title = "Upload | Selecione a pasta de imagens capturadas..."
        .Filters.Add "All files", "*.gif*"
        .InitialFileName = "H:\Gestao de Dados Processamento\FAP\Baixa de Pendencia DUT\Novo Fluxo"
    End With

    If fDialog.Show = True Then
       For Each varFile In fDialog.SelectedItems
          rs("Fieldname").Value = varFile '<- change to the actual field name
    End If

    If Not rs Is Nothing Then rs.Close
End Sub