
时间:2018-04-28 19:33:14

标签: mysql sql




|   post_id  | post_creator_id  |      post_title     |  
|    1       |        100       |   Hello All         |
|    2       |        14        |   Good morning      |  
|    3       |        213       |   Lovely Day        |
|    4       |        55        |   Nice Title!       |


| comment_id | post_id  | commenter_id | comment_text |       date           |
|    8       |    1     |      98      | Hello world  |  2018-04-27 12:02:22 |
|    9       |    4     |      123     |    Hi all    |  2018-04-27 13:11:11 |
|    10      |    4     |      77      | Looking good |  2018-04-27 13:20:17 |
|    11      |    1     |      101     | Great idea   | 2018-04-27 14:45:15  |

在最终结果中,我想要为每个帖子提供最后的评论(comment_text),以及有关帖子的一些信息(post_title,post_creator_id)。 和评论的日期(而不是帖子 - 以便我可以在最后评论日期前对其进行排序) 所以在上面的例子中,结果应该是

|  comment_id | post_id | commenter_id|  comment_text  | post_creator_id  |      post_title     |       date          |
|     10      |   4     |     77      |  Looking good  |       55         |    Nice Title!      | 2018-04-27 13:20:17 | 
|     11      |   1     |    101      |   Great idea   |      100         | Hello All           | 2018-04-27 14:45:15 |



select a.*
from comments a
join (
    select post_id, max(date_entered) as date_entered
    from comments
    group by (post_id)
    ) b on a.post_id = b.post_id and a.date_entered = b.date_entered


comment_id    post_id     commenter_id   comment_text         date_entered
----------- -----------   -----------   -------------------- -----------------------
   10          4              77             Looking good     2018-04-27 13:20:17.000
   11          1              101            Great idea       2018-04-27 14:45:15.000

但我缺少" post_title"和" post_creator_id"列,我不知道如何进行另一次加入来添加它们?什么是正确的语法?


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


select a.*
from comments a
join (
    select post_id, max(date_entered) as date_entered, post_title, post_creator_id
    from comments
    group by (post_id)
    ) b on a.post_id = b.post_id and a.date_entered = b.date_entered

答案 1 :(得分:1)


SQL Fiddle

MySQL 5.6架构设置

Create table posts(
    post_id  int,
    post_creator_id int,   
  post_title  varchar(100)  

INSERT INTO posts VALUES (1, 100, 'Hello All');
INSERT INTO posts VALUES (2, 14,'Good morning');
INSERT INTO posts VALUES (3, 213, 'Lovely Day');
INSERT INTO posts VALUES (4, 55, 'Nice Title!');

create table comments(
    comment_id int,
    post_id int,
    commenter_id int,
    comment_text  varchar(100),
    date  datetime

insert into comments values (8 , 1, 98, 'Hello world', '2018-04-27 12:02:22' );
insert into comments values (9 , 4, 123, 'Hi all', '2018-04-27 13:11:11' );
insert into comments values (10 , 4, 77, 'Looking good', '2018-04-27 13:20:17' );
insert into comments values (11 , 1, 101, 'Great idea', '2018-04-27 14:45:15' );


select a.*, p.post_title, p.post_creator_id
from comments a
join (
  select post_id, max(date) as date_entered
  from comments
  group by (post_id)
  ) b on a.post_id = b.post_id and a.date = b.date_entered
join posts p on p.post_id = b.post_id

<强> Results

| comment_id | post_id | commenter_id | comment_text |                 date |  post_title | post_creator_id |
|         11 |       1 |          101 |   Great idea | 2018-04-27T14:45:15Z |   Hello All |             100 |
|         10 |       4 |           77 | Looking good | 2018-04-27T13:20:17Z | Nice Title! |              55 |

答案 2 :(得分:0)


SELECT * FROM posts 
       INNER JOIN comments ON posts.post_id = comments.post_id 
WHERE  comments.comment_id IN (SELECT Max(comment_id) 
                               FROM   comments 
                               GROUP  BY post_id); 



| post_id | post_creator_id | post_title  | comment_id | post_id | commenter_id | comment_text |         date         |
|       4 |              55 | Nice Title! |         10 |       4 |           77 | Looking good | 2018-04-27T13:20:17Z |
|       1 |             100 | Hello All   |         11 |       1 |          101 | Great idea   | 2018-04-27T14:45:15Z |