请确保`sails-cassandra`是有效的Sails / Waterline适配器

时间:2018-05-08 04:54:48

标签: node.js cassandra sails.js

我已经设置了从生产到本地机器(窗口)的风帆项目。我们正在使用 sails-cassandra 。现在我正在运行**节点app.js *。我收到了以下错误

> error: A hook (`orm`) failed to load! 
error: Error: There was an error
> attempting to load `sails-cassandra`. (Sails attempted to load this
> adapter because it is referenced by a datastore
> (`someCassandraServer`) in this app's configuration) Please ensure
> that `sails-cassandra` is a valid Sails/Waterline adapter, and that it
> is installed in this app.


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