
时间:2018-05-15 00:41:00

标签: label gnuplot

我沿着x轴有一个非常密集的数据集,并使用with boxes作为直方图绘制它。我的数据表包含x轴标签的条目。 x标签变得太密集了。我怎么说让它们每10个打印一次。

plot 'histo.raw' using 3:xtic(2) with boxes lc rgb 'orange'  title 'data'


130 " +0.145 ->  +0.150"      0   0.00
131 " +0.150 ->  +0.155"      0   0.00
132 " +0.155 ->  +0.160"      0   0.00
133 " +0.160 ->  +0.165"      1   0.00
134 " +0.165 ->  +0.170"      2   0.00
135 " +0.170 ->  +0.175"      2   0.00
136 " +0.175 ->  +0.180"      4   0.00
137 " +0.180 ->  +0.185"      9   0.01
138 " +0.185 ->  +0.190"     31   0.03
139 " +0.190 ->  +0.195"     74   0.07
140 " +0.195 ->  +0.200"    114   0.11
141 " +0.200 ->  +0.205"    126   0.13
142 " +0.205 ->  +0.210"    114   0.11
143 " +0.210 ->  +0.215"    120   0.12
144 " +0.215 ->  +0.220"    181   0.18
145 " +0.220 ->  +0.225"    216   0.22
146 " +0.225 ->  +0.230"    367   0.37
147 " +0.230 ->  +0.235"    503   0.50
148 " +0.235 ->  +0.240"    648   0.65
149 " +0.240 ->  +0.245"    788   0.79
150 " +0.245 ->  +0.250"    960   0.96


set xtics 0,10 in rotate by 90 offset first +0.5,0 right
plot 'histo.raw' using 3 with boxes lc rgb 'orange'  title 'data'



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

只有当行号 StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, URL_PRODUCTS, new Response.Listener<String>() { @Override public void onResponse(String response) { try { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(response); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject product = array.getJSONObject(i); Product product1=new Product(); product1.setName(product.getString("name")); product1.setDescription(product.getString("description")); productList.add(product1); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } setuprecyclerview(productList); } }, new Response.ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), error.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); //adding our stringrequest to queue Volley.newRequestQueue(this).add(stringRequest); } private void setuprecyclerview(List<Product> productList) { myadapter = new ProductAdapter(this,productList) ; recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this)); recyclerView.setAdapter(myadapter); } 可被10整除时,您才可以将using 3:xtic(2)替换为只生成标签的表达式:


enter image description here
