
时间:2018-05-20 11:09:46

标签: python subprocess python-multithreading rasa-nlu


我的目标是从python中运行Rasa。 摘自Rasa的网站:


Rasa是用于构建会话软件的框架:Messenger / Slack机器人,Alexa技能等。我们在本文档中将其缩写为机器人。

它基本上是一个在命令提示符下运行的聊天机器人。这是它在cmd上的工作方式: enter image description here



import sys
import subprocess
from threading import Thread
from queue import Queue, Empty  # python 3.x

def enqueue_output(out, queue):
    for line in iter(out.readline, b''):

def getOutput(outQueue):
    outStr = ''
        while True: #Adds output from the Queue until it is empty
    except Empty:
        return outStr

p = subprocess.Popen('command_to_run_rasa', 

outQueue = Queue()

outThread = Thread(target=enqueue_output, args=(p.stdout, outQueue))

outThread.daemon = True


someInput = ""

while someInput != "stop":
    someInput = input("Input: ") # to take input from user
    p.stdin.write(someInput) # passing input to be processed by the rasa command
    output = getOutput(outQueue)
    print("Output: " + output + "\n")


enter image description here

如何让它在多个循环中运行? 我已经提到this了,我想我从中了解了代码中的问题,但我不知道如何解决它。

编辑:我在Windows 10上使用Python 3.6.2(64位)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您需要继续与子流程进行交互 - 当您从子流程中选择输出时,您在关闭其STDOUT流时已经完成了很多工作。

以下是继续用户输入的最基本方法 - >过程输出周期:

import subprocess
import sys
import time

if __name__ == "__main__":  # a guard from unintended usage
    input_buffer = sys.stdin  # a buffer to get the user input from
    output_buffer = sys.stdout  # a buffer to write rasa's output to
    proc = subprocess.Popen(["path/to/rasa", "arg1", "arg2", "etc."],  # start the process
                            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,  # pipe its STDIN so we can write to it
                            stdout=output_buffer, # pipe directly to the output_buffer
    while True:  # run a main loop
        time.sleep(0.5)  # give some time for `rasa` to forward its STDOUT
        print("Input: ", end="", file=output_buffer, flush=True)  # print the input prompt
        print(input_buffer.readline(), file=proc.stdin, flush=True)  # forward the user input

您可以使用来自远程用户的缓冲区替换input_buffer,使用缓冲区替换output_buffer缓冲区,将数据转发给您的用户,您基本上可以获得什么您正在寻找 - 子流程将直接从用户(input_buffer)获取输入并将其输出打印到用户(output_buffer)。

如果你需要在后台运行所有这些任务时执行其他任务,只需在if __name__ == "__main__":后卫的单独线程中运行所有内容,我建议添加try..except块拿起KeyboardInterrupt然后优雅地退出。

但是......很快你就会注意到它并不是一直都能正常工作 - 如果等待rasa等待STDOUT打印STDIN需要的时间超过半秒1}}并输入等待STDOUT 阶段,输出将开始混合。这个问题比你想象的要复杂得多。主要问题是STDINSTDERR(和STDIN)是单独的缓冲区,您无法知道子进程实际上在其\r\n[path]>上期待什么。这意味着如果没有来自子进程的明确指示(例如,在其STDOUT上的Windows CMD提示中有STDIN),则只能将数据发送到子进程STDIN并希望它将被接走。

根据您的屏幕截图,它并没有真正提供可区分的... :\n请求提示,因为第一个提示是STDIN,然后等待STDOUT,但之后命令被发送它列出选项而不指示其...\n流的结束(技术上使得提示只是STDOUT但是它也匹配它前面的任何行)。也许你可以聪明并逐行阅读rasa,然后在每个新行上测量自子流程写入它以来已经过了多少时间,并且一旦达到不活动阈值,则假设{{1}期望输入并提示用户。类似的东西:

import subprocess
import sys
import threading

# we'll be using a separate thread and a timed event to request the user input
def timed_user_input(timer, wait, buffer_in, buffer_out, buffer_target):
    while True:  # user input loop
        timer.wait(wait)  # wait for the specified time...
        if not timer.is_set():  # if the timer was not stopped/restarted...
            print("Input: ", end="", file=buffer_out, flush=True)  # print the input prompt
            print(buffer_in.readline(), file=buffer_target, flush=True)  # forward the input
        timer.clear()  # reset the 'timer' event

if __name__ == "__main__":  # a guard from unintended usage
    input_buffer = sys.stdin  # a buffer to get the user input from
    output_buffer = sys.stdout  # a buffer to write rasa's output to
    proc = subprocess.Popen(["path/to/rasa", "arg1", "arg2", "etc."],  # start the process
                            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,  # pipe its STDIN so we can write to it
                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,  # pipe its STDIN so we can process it
    # lets build a timer which will fire off if we don't reset it
    timer = threading.Event()  # a simple Event timer
    input_thread = threading.Thread(target=timed_user_input,
                                    args=(timer,  # pass the timer
                                          1.0,  # prompt after one second
                                          input_buffer, output_buffer, proc.stdin))
    input_thread.daemon = True  # no need to keep the input thread blocking...
    input_thread.start()  # start the timer thread
    # now we'll read the `rasa` STDOUT line by line, forward it to output_buffer and reset
    # the timer each time a new line is encountered
    for line in proc.stdout:
        output_buffer.write(line)  # forward the STDOUT line
        output_buffer.flush()  # flush the output buffer
        timer.set()  # reset the timer


现在 ...所有这些,你知道Rasa是用Python构建的,安装为Python模块并且有Python API,对吗?既然您已经在使用Python,那么当您可以直接从Python代码运行时,为什么要将其称为子进程并处理所有这些STDOUT/STDIN恶作剧?只需导入它并直接与它进行交互,它们甚至有一个非常简单的示例,它完全符合您的要求:Rasa Core with minimal Python