无法使用python 3

时间:2018-05-23 17:45:20

标签: python-3.5 zipfile

zip文件创建与python2工作正常当我为python 3运行相同的代码时创建的zip文件不是一个合适的zip(即当我解压缩storage_aligned.zip时)它会抛出错误

Archive:  storage_aligned.zip
  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of storage_aligned.zip or
        storage_aligned.zip.zip, and cannot find storage_aligned.zip.ZIP, period


aligned_zf = zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'w')

for zinfo in self.filelist:
        zef_file = self.fp
        zef_file.seek(zinfo.header_offset, 0)
        fheader = zef_file.read(zipfile.sizeFileHeader)
        if fheader[0:4] != zipfile.stringFileHeader:
            raise BadZipfile("Bad magic number for file header")
        fheader = struct.unpack(zipfile.structFileHeader, fheader)
        fname = zef_file.read(fheader[zipfile._FH_FILENAME_LENGTH])
        if fheader[zipfile._FH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]:

        if fname.decode('utf-8') != zinfo.orig_filename:
            raise zipfile.BadZipfile('File name in directory "%s" and header "%s" differ.' % (
                zinfo.orig_filename, fname))

        # For the first entry, prepend some extraneous bytes before the LFH.  This
        # is acceptable since ZIP implementations use the CD (end of the file) to
        # find entries.  Therefore these bytes are ignored
        if padding_index == 0:
            if sys.version[:1] == '2':
            elif sys.version[:1] == '3':
                aligned_zf.fp.write(bytes("\0"*paddings[padding_index], 'utf-8') )
            padding_index += 1

        # if required, add padding after the file data.  This is acceptable as the CD
        # references offsets to the LFHs.  Therefore extraneous data is ignored and not processed
        # orig: aligned_zf.writestr(zinfo, self.read(fname)+'\0'*paddings[padding_index])
        aligned_zf.writestr(zinfo, self.read(fname.decode('utf-8')))
        if sys.version[:1] == '2':
        elif sys.version[:1] == '3':
            aligned_zf.fp.write(bytes('\0'*paddings[padding_index], 'utf-8'))



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