
时间:2018-05-25 20:42:19

标签: javafx binding low-level bidirectional




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public static void bind(TextField field, DoubleProperty property) {
    field.textProperty().addListener((observable, oldText, newText) -> {
        try {
            // If the text can't be converted to a double then an
            // exception is thrown. In this case we do nothing.
        } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {}
    property.addListener((observable, oldNumber, newNumber) -> {

如果我正确理解您的要求,这将做您想要的。但我相信这段代码可能会导致内存泄漏。理想情况下,您希望侦听器不要让其他人不被垃圾收集。例如,如果不再强烈引用property,则field不应使property不被GC加入。 编辑:根据ObservableValue的实现,此代码也可以输入无限循环的更新,如评论中所述。



import javafx.beans.WeakListener;
import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Objects;

public class CustomBindings {

    // This code is based heavily on how the standard JavaFX API handles bidirectional bindings. Specifically,
    // the class 'com.sun.javafx.binding.BidirectionalBinding'.

    public static void bindBidirectional(StringProperty stringProperty, DoubleProperty doubleProperty) {
        if (stringProperty == null || doubleProperty == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        BidirectionalBinding binding = new BidirectionalBinding(stringProperty, doubleProperty);

    public static void unbindBidirectional(StringProperty stringProperty, DoubleProperty doubleProperty) {
        if (stringProperty == null || doubleProperty == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();

        // The equals(Object) method of BidirectionalBinding was overridden to take into
        // account only the properties. This means that the listener will be removed even
        // though it isn't the *same* (==) instance.
        BidirectionalBinding binding = new BidirectionalBinding(stringProperty, doubleProperty);

    private static class BidirectionalBinding implements ChangeListener<Object>, WeakListener {

        private final WeakReference<StringProperty> stringRef;
        private final WeakReference<DoubleProperty> doubleRef;

        // Need to cache it since we can't hold a strong reference
        // to the properties. Also, a changing hash code is never a
        // good idea and it needs to be "insulated" from the fact
        // the properties can be GC'd.
        private final int cachedHashCode;

        private boolean updating;

        private BidirectionalBinding(StringProperty stringProperty, DoubleProperty doubleProperty) {
            stringRef = new WeakReference<>(stringProperty);
            doubleRef = new WeakReference<>(doubleProperty);

            cachedHashCode = Objects.hash(stringProperty, doubleProperty);

        public boolean wasGarbageCollected() {
            return stringRef.get() == null || doubleRef.get() == null;

        public void changed(ObservableValue<?> observable, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
            if (!updating) {
                StringProperty stringProperty = stringRef.get();
                DoubleProperty doubleProperty = doubleRef.get();
                if (stringProperty == null || doubleProperty == null) {
                    if (stringProperty != null) {
                    if (doubleProperty != null) {
                } else {
                    updating = true;
                    try {
                        if (observable == stringProperty) {
                            updateDoubleProperty(doubleProperty, (String) newValue);
                        } else if (observable == doubleProperty) {
                            updateStringProperty(stringProperty, (Number) newValue);
                        } else {
                            throw new AssertionError("How did we get here?");
                    } finally {
                        updating = false;

        private void updateStringProperty(StringProperty property, Number newValue) {
            if (newValue != null) {
            } else {
                // set the property to a default value such as 0.0?

        private void updateDoubleProperty(DoubleProperty property, String newValue) {
            if (newValue != null) {
                try {
                } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {
                    // newValue is not a valid double

        public int hashCode() {
            return cachedHashCode;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;

            StringProperty stringProperty1 = stringRef.get();
            DoubleProperty doubleProperty1 = doubleRef.get();

            if (stringProperty1 == null || doubleProperty1 == null) {
                return false;

            if (obj instanceof BidirectionalBinding) {
                BidirectionalBinding other = (BidirectionalBinding) obj;
                StringProperty stringProperty2 = other.stringRef.get();
                DoubleProperty doubleProperty2 = other.doubleRef.get();
                if (stringProperty2 == null || doubleProperty2 == null) {
                    return false;

                return stringProperty1 == stringProperty2 && doubleProperty1 == doubleProperty2;

            return false;

